Bad Moon Rising

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Hans pulled Sabine through a densely wooded area in the middle of the English countryside.

The car had been left behind, abandoned on a distant dirt road. Most of their belongings remained with the car, except for the single briefcase that Hans insisted on keeping by his side.

Sabine's labored breathing puffed out in front of her as she stepped over dry twigs and brittle leaves. Looking up through skeletal tree branches, she spotted a scattering of stars in the clear night sky. The winter weather was bitterly cold, but the night remained crisp. The moon was full and offered plenty of light for her to see, even under the shadows of dead trees.

"How much... further... do we have to go, Hans?"

He didn't stop or turn around to answer, but a light squeeze to her hand let her know that he heard her question.

Walking through the woods put a heavy strain on Sabine's body. Rocks and fallen branches threatened to trip her with every step, but Hans didn't dare risk a different path. He had one chance to make his plan work and the window of opportunity was rapidly shrinking.

Once they reached a clearing where the trees began to thin, Hans stopped and lifted his nose to the air. Sabine heard him take several deep breaths. Pulling down her scarf, she did the same. The scent was faint. So faint that she almost missed it.

In the distance, she smelled people.

"Are we going to meet someone here?"

Hans still refused to answer. He sat down the briefcase and removed his outer layer of clothing. Sabine watched him undress until only his pants remained. His socks and shoes joined the discarded pile as he bent to retrieve the case.

"What are you-"

Turning around, Hans brought a single finger to his lips.

Sabine nodded in understanding.

Whatever it was that he had planned, this was it. This was the night they had been chasing. She tried to move by his side, but Hans stopped her with a heavy hand on top of her shoulder. He looked down at her, and she frowned. The expression on his face could only be described as remorseful.

It wasn't an expression that she had ever seen from him before...


Panic placed her heart in her throat when he shook his head.

'stay here'

He cupped her cheek in his warm palm, then stooped to kiss her.

The kiss was soft and lingered. Almost as if he didn't want it to end.

Why did it feel like he was telling her goodbye?

Sabine clung to his wrist.

He pulled away.


She reached for him, but Hans was already gone.

He slipped between the trees before Sabine could disobey. He knew that she would follow him, eventually. He had seen the worried look in her eyes. The pressure in his chest tightened. It went against his instincts to leave her behind, but his mission required stealth and speed.

Sabine possessed neither.

Hans had to move fast if he was going to earn her sanctuary before he fell at the enemy's hands.

Sabine lowered her outstretched arm. The urge to follow Hans carried her into the trees before she returned to her senses. He must have a reason for leaving her behind.

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