Ties That Bind

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Walter's urgent stride carried him through the lowest level of the manor to the last cell of the dungeon. The stationed guard had reported a disturbance and he wondered, if at long last, the insufferable stretch of waiting was finally over.

A month had passed without the Captain making a single move. There was no attempt at negotiation or escape. He seemed content to wait in his cell like a caged animal biding its time.

His silent compliance infuriated Walter.

What the hell was he waiting for?

If he had truly betrayed Millennium, why not reveal Walter as the double agent? Was he hoping to blackmail him? If so, why hadn't he stated his demands?

Waiting was agony.

Every day since the arrival of the werewolves, Walter held his breath and wondered if he was going to be executed as a nazi conspirator, or called into action against his employer. Was his long awaited revenge against Alucard drawing near, or was it out of his reach with the destruction of Millennium?

Walter slowed his pace as he approached the Captain's cell and caught sight of the disturbance. Even from behind, Sabine was easy to recognize.

A small, but fashionable hat sat pinned on top of her black curls. Her dress had been taken in at the seams to accentuate an hourglass figure no longer distorted with pregnancy. A pair of sheer stockings covered her long legs from just above her knee down to her high heeled stilettos.

Walter's mouth ran dry as the soldier acknowledged him over the top of her head. There was no sudden corner for him to take. No doorway to hide behind as the woman he had successfully avoided for over a month turned around to greet him.

"Ah, Valtah. So nice to see you again."

Scarlet pupils dilated. Ruby lips parted over pearly white fangs.

"Perhaps now we will get somewhere, yes?"

Sabine forced her smile to remain in place while Walter gave her a quick once over. He took note of her hair and makeup, meticulously done to perfection. The dress, which had sagged so horribly after she gave birth, was painstakingly resewn to fit her figure. Sabine was no fool. She knew that her looks made Walter uncomfortable, but she wasn't dressed for him.

She patted the covered bundle in her arms until Walter regained his composure. His demeanor returned to that of a proper English butler.

"Sabine. How may I be of assistance?"

Her smile stretched to reveal four sharpened canines.

"I'm so glad you asked. As I was just explaining to this gentleman-"

She turned slightly, inclining her head toward the guard.

"I am here to see my husband and I am not leaving this hallway until I do."

Walter's violet eyes widened behind his monocle. He stared at her in disbelief, but Sabine gave no indication that her demand was anything but serious.

"You know I cannot allow that. He's a war criminal. A political prisoner of the Hellsing organization."

Sabine pursed her lips. Her eyebrows drew together as she glanced at the cell door. Hans was in there. She knew it. She could feel him.

"Yes I know, but prisoners have a right to visitation."

The guard behind her snorted.

"That bastard doesn't have any legal rights. He's a bloody-"

Sabine whirled around to face the soldier. His mouth snapped shut at the sight of her glowing red eyes.

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