Chapter 1: Hot Chocolate

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(Monday 12:22 am)

It bothers Kurama that you sleep out at the warehouses instead of in a bed you know.

The way my life runs isn't any of his concern. Are you going to lecture me too?

Heh, I'm the last person to lecture anyone, you should know that.

-Seated up upon the window sill of the tall apartment complex overlooking the moon filled clear sky was a most curious demon, a fire brand who as of late had gotten himself entangled with the spirit detective of the modern world. How long had it been now, almost 3 years? Once thief and murderer now turned companion, the ex-bandit Hiei had begun slowly settling into his contained existence here in the city on his probation. His favorite hobby of course, had become following around the young man who had caused it in the first place: Yusuke Urameshi.-

I think the better question, is why are you in my window this late at night? Got tired of stalking at a distance?

Window sills remind me of trees, and clearly you were the one who wanted a talk.

Ohhhh so you were even peeking in on my brain, isn't that some violation of spirit world code somewhere to probe me like that? After all I might have some super secret spirit world information.

I already checked, your skull is as empty as the waste containers you humans leave outside to be collected by the large smelly truck.

-Yusuke couldn't help but snicker at that. He knew that the fire brand tended to be as cautious as the red head who lived several blocks down. That still however didn't answer his original question, but, he would let it go for now.-


Even if I were, I am not interested.

Give me a minute, I think I have something you'll want.

-Kurama in passing had mentioned that the one time he had convinced Hiei to stay over, when he had arose the next morning his stash of chocolate had been completely wiped out from the snack drawer in his room. Raised eyebrows came from the smaller dark clothed warrior as he crossed his arms and shook his head.-

Whatever you are up to detective, I already told you I'm not-

-Yusuke was already gone before he could complete the refusal, causing the smaller demon to snarl lightly.-

I'm starting to wonder which one has the worst listening skills, that one or the oaf with the lack of self awareness.

-Hiei sighed softly before deciding this would be a while, shifting so that he actually was resting in the window sill as if he were in a tree with his back on one part of the window frame and his feet hooked around the other for support, moving his arms up behind his head to act as a small make shift pillow. As for why he had actually come? Activity in the city was becoming a bit of a concern. Lower class apparitions were gathering in mass in an old food processing company on the outskirts where Hiei tended to spend a lot of his time, so it was best to just keep from the area. The demon wasn't interested in any brawls that might get human attention, and the activity in of itself wasn't exactly a spirit world concern. The smaller man paused from his thoughts however once he heard the door to the room shift once again, and was introduced to the most lovely smell that had ever wafted in his presence.-

Took me a minute, but I have a good hunch you'll like this. Here.

-Yusuke was holding two decent sized mugs in his hand, one contains a sharp bitter smell that immediately made the black and white haired warrior grunt in dislike, before that soothingly sweet smell caught him again, causing him to zone in on the other cup. He seemed to hesitate before moving his arms from his head, reaching out to take it. It was warm, comforting, and it immediately made the smaller fiend zone out as he took in all the sensation from even just holding and smelling the concoction.-

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