Chapter 4: Dark Roast

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(Wednesday: 12:44 am)


I prefer the window. At least that idiotic red haired pain in my ass has finally left.

Hehehe you know, I can never tell what's up between you and Kurama. ...Did you really mean what you said before? You know, back in maze castle- About allying with Kurama so you wouldn't have to fight him.

This place is Kurama's territory detective, of course I meant what I said.

-It was odd to see the positions of the pair of young men swapped. Hiei was huddled up amongst the sheets in Yusuke's bed, resting from his wounds; and Yusuke himself was seated up upon his own dresser, sipping a coffee and looking out at the stars. It was a rather calm night, not even the breeze blew to ruffle the curtains.-

Right but, at this point, like I asked the other night, aren't we friends?

And like the other night, have I not made it clear that with a mentality like that, you are going to get yourself killed? Yusuke, understand what demons are like. You are a human working for spirit world. If Kurama and I had not been arrested we most likely would be plotting to murder you for interfering in our plans after the vault heist. The less attached you get to demons the better off you are.

-Yusuke tried not to smile at that, shaking his head lightly as he took another sip of dark brew.-

Then do it.


You heard me. Do it. You've been threatening to kill me for a little over 3 years now. I've been waiting to see you actually try.

I ate a dragon that now lives in my arm. I could easily fix that.

Oh, I know. That's not my point Hiei. My point is, if you were going to do it, you would have by now. Generally when you threaten someone, you actually do what you say your going to. Each time you threaten me however, seems like it doesn't happen, and it can't be about spirit world or toddler bastard. So are we going to keep doing this? I mean, I can do it as long as you want but... I don't think either of us get anything out of it, you know?

-Hiei went uncomfortably quiet at that. Turning to stare off at the opposite side of the room; shutting his eyes to lightly rest them since he was still recovering from his injuries. What really could he say? The human boy turned spirit detective, like Kurama, always seemed to have him right on the money, making it extremely difficult to argue with them at times. Maybe all of this was a tad childish, but, Hiei couldn't help himself.-

Heh, you wait, I'll find time. Eventually.

Haaa~ I won't hold my breath three eyes.'s the wounds?

Bearable. It will be less uncomfortable to breathe tomorrow. ...I want to ask you something.

-Yusuke blinked, placing down his cup before grunting and laying back on the wall, folding his arms back behind his head to act as a more cushy support.-

Don't see why not. What's up?

...Why did you not kill me like you did Gouki? And why did you allow I and Kurama to join you and the fool during maze castle as if we were simple acquaintances. ...Have you ever even told him what we did?

Do I have to? I mean, if Keiko wanted anyone to know, she would have told them. Shes clearly forgiven you too right? You follow us to school all the time and shes the first one to ask how your doing, you know. Is it that hard for you to accept people move on?

Demons tend not to take it lightly if someone's tried to kill them or those they value.

True, but Kurama has also told me that demon society tends to be run where forgiving the wrong person gets you killed, sometimes at least. Other times it gets you an ally for a while who you eventually betray anyways. I guess my question would be, when do you plan to betray us, and or when do you believe we intend to betray you? Because that's what this is about, right?

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