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I hope you enjoy this part and if have you any request let me know!

Y/n's pov

I opened the door seeing two boys arguing. "Don't sit on this desk! It is not yours, you do not own it!" A boy with glasses and dark blue hair yelled. "I'll sit on it if I want to nerd!" A boy with spikey blonde hair yelled back. 'It's 7:00 am why are they yelling' I thought to myself. Kirishima walked in behind me and looked for his seat while I was still looking at my other classmates. I then looked away and found my seat it was in the back next to a black haired boy with some strange elbows. He looked over at me "hey I'm sero! Looks like I'm your seat mate," He said to me and I smiled at him "nice to meet you I'm y/n." The bell rung and everyone sat in their seats. My father shota aizawa entered the room with the same sleepy face he's always had. "Morning class I'm Mr. Aizawa your homeroom teacher," he said then started taking attendance.


The bell rang for lunch and everyone left the classroom running to the lunch room. I was still in the room along with kirishima. He came up to me "hey y/n wanna sit with me and my friends?" He asked me. "Sure" I said with a small smile, he then grabbed my arm and took me to the lunch room. There were four people sitting there all from my class. "Hey kirishima!" A girl all pink said to him "who's this?" She looked at me along with everyone else at the table. "I'm y/n nice to meet you," I smiled at them then sat down in the empty seat. "I'm mina! " the pink girl said. The same boy I sit next to was here aswell. A yellow haired boy looked at me "I'm denki pleasure to meet you! And this is bakugou" he said and pointed to the blonde haired boy. He was the one yelling at the other boy this morning.

Ok I'm ending this chapter here you'll just have to wait for the next one! Also thanks for all the support!

378 words

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