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I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in the bathroom.

I only woke up a few hours later became Hajime came home and unlocked the door.

'AH-SHIT!' I exclaimed. I looked at him, 'the fuck you want, asshat?'

'You literally fell asleep in the fucking bathroom, what an idiot. ' He replied.

Oikawa stood there, covering his laugh, 'this is what you siblings do?'

I nodded, 'shut the fuck up, Hajime. '

'And what the hell are you doing here, Oikawa?' He asked.


'Oikawa came by to see if I was fine, Hajime. The video circling around online...' I replied.

'Oh, well, okay. So, mom found it. She needs you downstairs. '

'Huh?' I rubbed the back of my neck, 'I thought she has work tonight. '

'She'll go back to work after you two talk. Go downstairs now. '

'Fine. ' I sighed.


'Y/N, will you please tell me what happened honey?' My mom asked.

'Well, Hana wanted my friend, Oikawa to be her boyfriend and told me to stay away from him. And when I provoked her last time, that's when things started to happen. The humiliation she has put on me is overwhelming...' I replied.

'Oh, honey. '

'I think, it's still going to be this way. ' I choked a sob.

'I'm sorry, let's talk to the principal about this. '

'No, no. Mom, I'll be okay. '


'Mom, please. '

'Okay, honey. ' She said with a painful smile.

'Let's just not go to the principal about this. He might've already known... '

'Okay, but I'm here whenever you want to talk to me. '

'Thank you, mom. ' I smiled.

'Alright, Y/N. I'm going back to work. ' She smiled.

'Sure, mom. Take care. ' I replied as she took her things and put on her shoes as she walked out the front door.

I sighed.

'You good?' Hajime asked.

I jumped to hear Hajime's voice, 'bro, stop scaring me like that. '

'Whatever. '

'Oikawa, isn't it late? You should go home. '

He nodded, 'right, I should go. ' He said as he went out the front door with his things. 'See you tomorrow, Y/N-chan and Iwa-chan. '

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 (Oikawa x Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now