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It was a hot Saturday morning when Y/N and Iwaizumi's mother told them that she was going on a business trip with her colleagues and boss. All they could do was nod, they couldn't tell their mother to not go.

'Okay, mom. ' Y/N replied, sighing.

'I'm sorry, honey. '

'It's okay, mom. ' Y/N said with a painful smile.

'Just take care mom, alright?' Iwaizumi said.

'I will, thanks Hajime. '

Iwaizumi nodded and stood up, 'I'm going to my room. '

'Okay. ' Y/N replied before turning to look at her mother, 'how long will you be gone?' She asked in a worried tone.

'I'll be gone for five months, honey. ' She replied.

'Oh, ' Y/N said, 'I'll miss you. '

'I know, I'm gonna miss you both. '


'Bye mom!' Y/N said, waving to her mother. Iwaizumi did the same.

'Bye! Be good, okay?'

'We will!'

And with that, their mother rode a taxi going to the airport.


'Hey, Hajime?' I asked, turning to look at him.

'Yeah?' He said, texting on his phone.

'Can we invite Oikawa?' I asked, slightly blushing.

'Do you just want to spend time with someone you clearly have feelings with?' He glared at me.

'Yes. '

'Fine, I'll text him. ' He sighed.

'Thanks. ' I said, before turning back to the house.


A few minutes later, Oikawa came to my house. He knocked on the door and I opened it.

He was too focused on his phone as he ran his fingers through his hair. Why does he do that though? I mean, I don't mind it.

I cleared my thought, 'Oikawa-'

He seemed to have been startled by my voice, 'Y/N-chan'.'

'Hey, come in. ' I said as I gestured him to come in.

'Thanks.' He came in.

I blushed as he walked past by me.

'So, like what are we doing today?'

'I dunno, you wanna sleepover? ' I asked.

'Absolutely not. ' I hear Hajime's voice interrupt.

'Why?' I asked, clearly annoyed.

He glared at me, 'fine, just don't do anything stupid. Oikawa, you can sleep on the floor if you want. '


'Hajime, it's okay. He can sleep on my bed with me. ' I blushed as I looked away.

'Whatever. '

He walked away.

I sighed.

'What's your plan really, Y/N?'

I shrugged, 'nothing. '


It was about 8 pm on a Saturday night when the power went out. I yelped and grabbed the thing nearest to me, Oikawa. We were watching a movie so we sat beside each other on the couch.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 (Oikawa x Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now