Getting To Know You

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By a lake in Fornis, Matthew and the gang are already to get bed, while Glimmer is practicing her fighting style

Rex:There you are

He says as he sits down on a rock behind her

Glimmer:You should get to bed.

Rex:You should too, we got a long day tomorrow

Silence befalls the two, unsure on what to say next

Glimmer:You're... Human, right?

Rex:Yah, why are you askin'

Glimmer:Matthew was talking about that Na'el girl, saying she was his "Sister"? What does that mean?

Rex:I was wondering when you would ask that, okay, a sister is someone born from the same person as you, they can be younger or older or even the same age as you.

Glimmer:Born from the same person... Like the quenn?

Rex:You could say that

Glimmer:Did you... Have any sisters?

Rex:No, I was an only child, I only had Gramps, Auntie Corinne and the other kids in Fonsett growin' up

Glimmer stood confused

Rex:I forgot you don't know who those are, well Auntie was-

Glimmer:No! I mean...

Both are silent once again

Rex:You... Wanna know something?


Rex:You remind of two people I used to know



He pats the rock next to him and she sits down

Rex:They were my wives


Rex:My partners in life

Glimmer:Is it normal to have two?

Rex:No... But we made it work, can't say the same for my pelvis though


Rex:Nothin'... Their names were Pyra and Mythra

Glimmer:Pyra and Mythra? Why are they... Familiar?

Rex:I met Pyra first, she bought me back to life and from then on, we were intertwined. Then, I met Mythra, a more powerful form of Pyra, since Pyra manifested from her


Rex:She was a Blade, and a legendary one at that, they were the Aegis

Glimmer:The... Aegis?

Rex:You know, your core resembles their's



And once again, they are silent

Rex:We should get some shut eye, it's late

Glimmer:Y-yeah, be right there

The night passed, and it was the afternoon of the new day

Matthew:Gigantic Beat!

With a crash, Matthew destroyed a gigantic Skeeter nest

Nikol:I didn't know skeeter nests could grow that big

Shulk:Me neither, good job on handling those skeeter hordes Rex!

Rex:Ha! They weren't a problem!

Glimmer:Even though you almost died if it wasn't for me?

Rex:I heard that


They all get moving after the fight and camp out in a small forest clearing for the night, Rex sits by a tree alone

Glimmer:What happened, Sad sack?

Rex:Oh, it's just you

A familiar silence returns as they look at each other, Glimmer sits down beside Rex

Glimmer:Tell me... More

Rex:About what?

Glimmer:Pyra and Mythra, and I remind you of them

Rex:Really? Sure then... You and Mythra have similar personality's

Glimmer:Seriously? How?

Rex:You two are both hard headed


Rex:I ain't done yet, your looks alone remind me of Pyra, that striking red hair really hammers it home

Glimmer sits there silently, slightly dozing off

Rex:I thank everyday you know, for giving a second chance at life and for-

Rex looks down at his arm, Glimmer fell asleep clutching it like a baby

Rex:For giving me you

He kisses her forehead and carries her to camp, the others already asleep, he sets her down in her mat


She refuses to let go of Rex and grumbles

Rex:... Fine, just this once

Rex lays down beside Glimmer and puts a blanket over the two of them, and by the tree were Rex was

Pyra:Don't they look cute together like that?


Pyra:I know you think the same, Mythra

And slowly the light from their cores slowly shift them back into their blades, emitting a subtle glow, Rex watches from afar

Rex:Thanks you two, I needed this...

He closes his eyes, feeling pure bliss as he drifts off to sleep

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