Episode One - What She Can't Have

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Episode One

What She Can't Have

All that I've learned from my time with Luke was that the things you love are fickle. I guess it was an important lesson to learn, but one I would have rather gone without to save me from my hurt. This story I am about to tell you is one that I cherish deeply; one that has changed not only my life but my friends and family's lives forever. Luke, if you're listening, know that I still love you as much as I did when you were still here. Yours Truly, Julie.

- - - - -

Luke sat on the leather couch that occupied most of Julie's garage, toying with the chain clipped onto his ripped jeans. Lately Luke had been thinking, which was something he hardly ever did, ever since Caleb's curse had been lifted off of Luke and his friends, he had just been... a ghost. What do ghosts even do, anyway? Haunt people? Flick the light switch on and off to scare little Carlos? Luke crossed one foot over the other as he lay horizontally on the loveseat, strumming an electric guitar straddled over his lap gently with his rugged fingers.

"Hey, man," Julie said as she opened the garage door. "What's up?" She said as she sat down in a cushy chair adjacent to Luke, the dust caked on it pooling around her at the contact. Luke picked up the guitar by its neck and leaned in against his calf on the floor, crossing his arms to give his full attention to Julie.

"Nothing much," He sighed, "I honestly don't know what to do now that we've gotten rid of Caleb's stamp thingy-ma jiggy. I mean, we have the band of course, but..." Luke trailed off.

Julie finished his sentence for him, "But the hard work is over."

"Right," Luke finished. "I guess we can just relax now?" He said, placing his hands behind his head. Julie chuckled at his statement.

"Well, something exciting happened actually," Julie announced. Luke perked up in his seat a little, cocking his head to the side in inquisition. Julie just stared blankly at Luke, eyebrows raised.

"So are you gonna tell me, or...?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow sharply.

Julie smiled. "Oh, yeah–," She paused, "Well, Nick actually brought some flowers to the door this morning," She said, gesturing towards the flowers on top of the piano, its petals bathing in the sunlight.

Luke raised his eyebrows. "So that's what the peonies were for," He smiled. Luke was happy for Julie, but at the same time, he thought that Julie... y'know...? They didn't even have to tell each other that they were horny for one another, the feeling was just kinda mutual. Luke liked Julie, and Julie.. was assumed to like Luke as well. The more Luke thought about it, it was more just a hunch and not really a fact.

"So, does that mean you two are a thing?" Luke said, breaking the silence. His chest felt like a weight had been lifted off of it at her sudden reclusion.

Julie shrugged her shoulders. "The flowers are certainly a nice gesture but..."

Luke's cheeks flushed as her sentence trailed off. "But what?" He remarked.

"I... I don't know. It feels wrong for some odd reason," She said, frowning hard. She couldn't quite put into words what was wrong with the idea, but she just knew something wasn't right.

"Maybe you like someone else?" Luke said realizing he had sort of outed himself, "Just– just a thought..."

Julie blushed a little, turning her head away nervously. "Maybe, Luke, maybe," She said, a reassurance that Luke didn't accidentally reveal too much. Silence stirred before Alex walked into the garage, Reggie trailing behind him like a lost dog.

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