|Keep About Your Wits|

317 15 54

I'm not putting specific TWs in front of most these chapters because they do contain spoilers, BUT if the overall TWs mentioned in the description aren't something you can handle, then I suggest skipping this story. No shame in that!

Ily and enjoy! Vote & comment while you read!

Lmk if there are typos & I'll fix them

Sapnap and Dream chatted for awhile in hushed tones after George left the room to stew in his emotions, which George realized he had been doing a lot recently. He could hear the two talking, but their voices were far too muffled to hear what they were saying. Sometimes, there were small bouts of silence and other times George could here their whispers become loud laughs.

He still had no clue how the two knew each other. George would probably ask when Sapnap left.

George didn't want to have to think about what everything Sapnap had told him meant. He lived somewhere new and didn't even talk to Karl or Quackity anymore, so it didn't really matter.

Sapnap left after a little less than an hour and saying goodbye to George and Dream. George knew the two would be in touch, but he planned on ignoring any attempts to reach out from either Karl or Quackity, or Sapnap.

Once Sapnap was gone, George poked his head out the door into the hallway to see if Dream was still there. He was, so George figured now would be a good time to ask him about what just happened.

However, Dream beat him to it. "What was that?" He asked, pointing behind him to the door with his thumb. "How do you know him?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." George crossed his arm, staring angrily up at the blond.

"We worked together for awhile," Dream says rigidly.

"Lame excuse." George crossed his arms. "Come up with something better, you liar."

"I am not a liar."


"So how do you know Sapnap?" Dream asked, almost like a bet.

George furrowed his brows. "He's my ex-roommates boyfriend. I thought we discussed this," he said in a tone as flat as he could muster.

"The fuckers who kicked you out?" Dream asked.

"No, my other ex-roommate from Kinoko Apartments named Karl." George stared at Dream in contempt, and the taller shifted uncomfortably under his stare. It almost made George laugh, considering how it should definitely be the other way around.

"I can do without the sarcasm."

"I think you love it," George said with a smile, dropping most of his slightly exaggerated anger.

"I definitely don't."

"Lies again." George shrugged with a small smile, enjoying watching Dream's offended look. "You know what, fine. If you aren't a liar, tell me what you do for work. Or at least how you get money." George took his chance to get an answer to a question he'd been curious about and leaped on it.

"George, please. I don't want to answer that and you don't want to know."

Dream's answer made George all the more concerned and curious. "Why wouldn't I want to know?"

"Remember how that guy broke into our apartment to kill me?" Dream prompted. George nodded, disliking where this was going. He glanced at the bookshelf that he still hadn't gotten around the reorganizing. "People might try to do that to you." Dream jabbed a finger at George. "Make sense?"

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