Ghost Boy

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I wake up in a white, bright plane. It reminds me of those days when it snows so hard and then it stops and you look outside and see the beautiful white stuff with no footprints or anything, just pure beautifulness. I don't know how i got to this plane but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with that knife being thrown into me.
I start forward and then the scenery changes. I'm at my house in the kitchen again but I'm not me, I'm looking at my terrified face, and my mothers whackadoo eyes. I stare at myself and wonder when the knife is going to come and when the pain will start. After a second I see the knife go into my stomach and the sickening sound of it. I watch me, as I fall to the ground clutching my stomach, bleeding out. I watch as my eyes flutter shut and my breath stop.
My mother looks at me with disgust, and rage and so many emotions mixed in it's hard to decipher what one she's feeling the most. After a couple minutes, my mother has the decency to phone the cops and play a trick on them. A trick saying that a guy had came in and stabbed me, even though it was her doing. I wait and wait and wait until I see the red and blue lights of a cop car and horn of an ambulance, I don't know how long I was dead for but it sure has seemed to me that I won't be alive any time soon. They arrive to my house and rush in, I follow and watch as they interrogate my mother and as they strap me onto a stretcher and hoist me up. I look ghastly and white and my mother acts like she's terrified and worried. I want to spit in her face. I want to crunch her skull and break her bones one by one. I want rip out her teeth and do things to her no one would ever dream I would do. I want to make her wish had never existed or at least make her wish she didn't treat me like shit. I wait for a while and then suddenly, the scene is gone and I'm back in the white plane. I sigh, wanting to know where I am, why I am here, and who can get me out of this mess. I sit down on the plane and hum a melody I learned in school in band since I was into the flute. I gentle breeze starts and it lifts my hair from my shoulders and makes it wave in the air. It's so peaceful here and quiet unlike everything down in the real world, I lay down and smile into the sun and sky and start falling into a blissful sleep.
" No! You mustn't!" Something says in panic. I sit up fast, wondering who said it. " You mustn't never sleep here or you'll go into and eternal slumber," the wind coos. Suddenly a young boy no older than eleven appears. He has disheveled coconut brown hair and bright blue eyes. His lips are a pale pink and his figure is scrawny maybe a little malnourished.
" Ummmm," I say at a loss for words, I don't have a clue where I am so how was I supposed to know I couldn't sleep here.
He extends his hand and is intending for me to shake it. " I'm Elric Johnston, pleasure to meet you malady. I take his hand and give it a gentle shake.
" I'm Madilyn Reenes, the pleasures all mine," I say in return. " One tiny question though Elric.." I trail off waiting to see if he will answer.
" Yes?" He says.
" Where am I? why am I here? Who brought me here? Can you get me out of-" he holds up a finger silencing me.
" Madilyn Reenes, I believe that is more than one question," he replied cooly. I look sheepishly at him, opening my mouth to speak but he continues.
" But if you insist, you are in the Eternal Plane. You are here because you either had something bad happen or waiting for a death fellow to come collect you. nobody brought you here except you, yourself. Lastly, no I cannot get you out of here no matter the circumstance." He finishes matter of factly. I stare at him for a long while, his answer seem correct so I take his word on it. I stare up at the cloudless sky and wonder if I'll ever get out here.

Suddenly I'm in an itchy gown and doctors are surrounding me. I try to speak but it comes out hoarse and incoherent. Ten other people that aren't doctors look at me in awe. I wonder why, and then a blast of cold air hits my bare stomach. I look down and my face turns from neutral to horrified, a patch has been cut out of my dress and a huge gash is there. The doctors looks at my like I was a trophy, a big shiny trophy. I look at him in disapproval, wanting him to shoo everyone out of the room so I could have nice long chat with him. I look at him, my eyes saying to get everyone out to of here. He ignores it, going on with his lecture, using me as a doll for doctor school. With my lightning fast reflexes, I grab a scalpel that just happened to be sitting there and stab Mr. Whoever in the leg. He gasps and staggers forward, leaning the bed for support. The interns look at me horrified by my actions. I stand up and walk to them and they shuffle away. They let me pass through the door, not wanting to piss me off further. I look around and see the elevator and go to. It opens up and I push the ground floor button, the ground rumbles and I slowly go down. I hear a creaky noise and the elevator suddenly stops, a figure appears again and I see its Elric.
" Why did you leave me Madilyn?" He says in a depressed voice. Then suddenly he shrieks and shrieks and shrieks. Because of the shrieks it feels as if I'm about to explode. I hold my hand up to my ears, but the shrieks are so loud not ever covering them helped. I swear I was going to go insane, insane enough to be in a looney bin. I claw at the door wanting it to open so I could escape the horribleness of him but to my avail it does t work. I'm just stuck there with a shrieking boy and me going insane. All at once it stops and I see I'm on the ground floor and nurses are surrounding me, I'm in restraints and all I could think is how did I get here? Suddenly I Remember ghost boy, not wanting to relive that nightmare I fall asleep still In restraints.

~Authors Note~
Geez this chapter is kind of confusing and long. My creative juices got flowing and I just started to write whatever! So if it doesn't make any sense then that's the reason why.

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