Yours Alone

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Chapter 1

Christine's POV

I sat there in class bored to death by mr. Shneekys lecture about bullying. It's always the same, don't call names, don't steal, don't make fun of people. Yeah yeah as if I haven't heard enough of that! Whatever, like they could change anything. The entire first hour he did nothing but talk to us about doing drugs, smoking, bullying and all the other crap they think 10th graders do.

"Ms. Philips, am I disturbing you?", he stupidly asked me.

"No not at all", I said. You get a stupid answer to a stupid question.

"Then would you kindly pay attention? You will be graded on participation", he said to me. I groaned and looked up from my drawing. I haven't told you guys much about myself yet. I am tall. I have long, curly, black hair, and brown eyes. I don't really like school besides the fact that I get to see my only friends Jennifer (Jen), and Leann. They all call me Chris or Chrissy. Well, enough about me. Mr. Shneeky looks like he will explode if I don't pay attention.

"How about you Chris?", he asked me.

"What", I said not actually caring about whatever he was saying.

"Are you going to answer the question?", he asked knowing I hadn't been paying attention. I just sat there dumbfounded.

"Mr. Shneeky. You only pointed me out because you know I had better things to do than listen to the garbage you try to teach us. So since you asked a stupid question, I will give you a stupid answer. No", I sneered. His face was red and shaking and I knew I had done it this time.

"Ms. Philips, detention!", he roared at me as he pulled out a piece of paper. He could barely write he was so furious. I picked up my navy green Hollister bag, snatched the slip from his hands and headed to the library. I smiled to myself. What a bright idea to get out of class. As I walked in, I found Jennifer sitting back in her chair almost asleep. I took advantage of this by jumping on her lap playfully.

"So what are ya in for?", I asked her in my deep voice.

"Get off of me you twit!", she yelled.

"Shhhhh!", said ms. Peeplstin. I quietly started to laugh with Jen at her facial expression. We are so immature. I turned so I was facing her, my legs hanging off the side of the chair.

"Why are you here?", I asked her in my retarded voice.

"I'm here for sitting in mr. Poops chair and putting on his glasses and impersonating him as a retard, derp derp", she said back to me talking like a retard.

"Wow, that is so like you!", I whispered between laughs. I got off her lap and pulled up a chair next to her. I sighed.

"We should ditch with Leann at lunch", I said

"Let's do it!", she said.

"But first", she said. She pulled a can of silly string out of her bag half way to show me. We giggled. I got a closer look in her bag. Holy crap! There must have been ten cans in there! I knew she planned on getting payback on the teachers who put us there.

"Lunch break?", I suggested. She nodded her head excitedly. I had come prepared too. I pulled a carton of eggs and feathers half way out of my bag. We both started to laugh. We laughed so hard we almost fell out of our chairs.

"Last warning you two",said ms. Peeplstin.

"Shhhh! We don't want to get sent home otherwise our plans would be ruined", I whispered to her. She winked at me and I winked back. Then we had to leave to next hour. Who could ask for a better friend. Always there for you. Always ready to stand next to you when something bad is happening. Well better not be too late for class. I walked to class and I noticed that the hallways really stank. What was that? I don't know but I hope it doesn't like sink into my clothes so when I walk into class people don't do any thing like plug their noses or something. I walked in and the entire room stank like egg.

"Pew! What is that!", I exclaimed.

"That my dear is the stench of science",mr. Peebles said excitedly. He was wearing a face mask and rubber gloves and goggles. I just looked at him and took my seat in the front. He was holding some kind of spoon. Not a regular spoon, a different kind that you would melt like led in. I sighed. What was he up to this time.

"We'll now you pour the led into the container leading through the pipe and boom! Your hole is fixed", he exclaimed. Just then the green egg must proofed up into his face, covering him with green powdered egg. Everybody laughed. Before I knew it, this hour was over and it was lunch break, when all the teachers go into the teachers lounge for lunch. It's go time! Jennifer and Leann met up with me in the hallway in front of the cafeteria.

"Let's do this", said Leann who was now holding a paperclip. I had to admit, Leann was the best lock picker I knew, and she always carried a paper clip. We sneaked down the hallway until... Dun Dun Duuuuuu! Mr. Peebles!

"Hi mr. Peebles. We were going to get our lunch bags because we forgot them in our lockers", I rushed out hoping he would buy it.

"Ts, whatever", he said. I couldn't believe he bought that! We hurried to his classroom to destroy his first. We pulled out all our stuff after we broke in. We were just about to begin when guess who!?


Whoa! What happened there? So what did you think? Good? Bad? Comment what you think! Are their plans ruined? Find out next! ;)




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