The date

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So, I promised Allen one date so that I can go back to school. How bad can it be? Anyways, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm really excited to go back to school. But also, i know they aren't going to let me go by my self so that really sucks. But on the bright side, I get to see my best friends. He set the date for our date this coming Saturday since I wouldn't let him take my Friday. Hey, I need my Fridays. But I knew it would totally be worth it. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm. I stepped in and began to shampoo my hair with my watermelon shampoo which was almost gone now so I would need to grab a new bottle next time. I washed up and got out. I did my make up and brushed my teeth and walked into my room with just a towel on. Then I stopped and began to back up remembering what happened last time I walked out in a towel. Now what?i had to make a run for it. My closet was about five feet away. I sprinted to it grabbed some clothes and turned around to get dressed in the bathroom when I ran right into Allen and almost fell over. Damn it, so close to victory and then he had to get in my way.

"Move", I said clearly not impressed with him sneaking up on me like that.

"Why?", he asked.

Moron he knows exactly why.

"So I can get dressed dumb ass now get", I said harshly. He just stood there like a stupid thing.

"Hello, are you deaf! Move!", I yelled. He scooted away from the bathroom door and let me by. Finally! I made sure the door was locked and that my window were locked and the curtains were closed before dropping the towel. I dressed quickly and unlocked my door walking into my bedroom. "So now he's gone" I thought sarcastically. I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed some chocolate cake that I never got to sneak before. Now I didn't care who saw me with it, I was having a piece. I cut it and put a slice on a china plate. It looked so good. I grabbed a fork and dug in. It was even better than it looked. I sprayed some whipped cream on it. Finally some time alone. I made my way to the living room. All I could think about was Jen and Leann and how much I missed them. When I get to see them again ill be sure to prank someone with them. Pranking is our specialty and we take pride in such talent. Maybe this time we will find a stupid persons locker that was left unlocked and we can smear mayo in it or something that will make it stink for a long time. That will be fun and a reminder of how it used to be before I was trapped here. I heard someone coming so I began to walk towards my door. The foot prints sped up like they were running now so I sprinted down the hall toward my door. I was so close I could feel it. I ran in and locked the door behind me and then locked myself in the bathroom. I turned on the shower in case whoever was following me broke into my bedroom I could say I was taking a shower. Now what would I do? I guess I could just stand around and freshen up a little so I brushed my teeth and hair and put on some make up but this all totaled up to a time of about ten minutes. not knowing how to pass the time I decided that whoever was there must have left by now so I turned off the shower and walked out of my bathroom. I slowly and cautiously walked out and decided it was all clear. I walked out into the hallway and into the kitchen and started snooping through the fridge for something decide by to eat. I made myself a sandwich with ham and cheese and all that good stuff and called that good for now. I wandered the halls while eating my sandwich trying to see who's room was what. I quickly peeked into each room not wanting to disturb any one if the room wasn't empty. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, Leann and Jen and I were gonna prank the heck out of everyone. that reminded me, since they aren't going to be expecting me they wouldn't bring any pranking supplies so I would need to buy all of it. I wandered for another five minutes when I almost ran into the back of Allen cause I was day dreaming.

"Allen I need to go to the store" I said to him as he turned himself towards me.

"Why" was all he said.

"Because I need some things for school tomorrow" that was all I would tell him.

"You have to tell me where you were first I've been looking for you" he answered. why does he have to be so difficult.

"I was taking a shower" I lied. he stated at my eyes testing whether I was lying and if so when I would break under pressure.

"Very well" he said and walked away to where I assume he was getting his keys. He grabbed his keys off the top of the fridge and we began to walk towards the door. at least he trusted me enlighten to walk to the car without being held onto for fear of me running away. we piled into the shiny black car and began to journey to the store.

"So what do you need for school?" he questioned.

"Just some... stuff to spray in lockers and things like that. my friends and I are pranksters" I giggled.

"Ah I see" he said with a smirk. I smiled. it was nice that he liked one of my only talents. we finally got to the store after the one of the longest half hours ever. we walked inside to find the perfect place of whoopsie cushions, silly string, fake body parts untearable toilet paper and more.

"Sweet" I said to myself as I began exploring the isles. I needed some money if I wanted anything.

"Hey al, I need some money" I blushed.

"Of course you do" he laughed probably at my stupid facial expression. he handed me a twenty and I snatched it up and ran down the isle.

"Thanks" I called over my shoulder.

"No problem" he said. "ill be in the car" he said and walked out. he must be gaining trust in me to leave me in a store of perfect pranking materials all by myself. what a fool. I grabbed things as I saw them one thing after another until I only had two dollars and fifty cents left to spend. I found a cheap pair of those goofy glasses with the fake mustache and a bag of fake candies. I paid for it all and carried the bags of stuff out to the car. I was so excited to try out all of my new stuff.

"What did you get?" asked Allen.

"Ill show you when we get back" I told him causing him to live in suspense until then. I just said get back because I didn't know if I should call it the mansion or home. we got back to the mansion in what seemed like it took only half the time to get to the store. I ran inside and Allen gave me a thirty second head start to make it into my room before he snatched me up and did something to me. I was so close when he caught me, causing me to almost drop my bags. I started screaming playfully as he pulled me to the couch.

"Shall we see what we have in the fridge?" he taunted

"Help!" I yelled afraid of what he might do with whatever was in the fridge. he drug me to the fridge and held me still with one arm while he searched the fridge with his other arm.

"Ah, perfect" he said as he pulled out a piece of chocolate cake.

"Looks pretty good doesn't it christy" he was actually making me start to squirm around like a little worm stuck under a rock.

"Here have some he said and smashed it into my face. I screamed. when I cleaned it off my face so I could see, Allen was nowhere in sight. how foolish of him to pull this when I just went shopping for pranks. ill get him back, don't worry. I travelled to my bathroom and washed all the cake off and sat on my bed to go through all the stuff I bought. I had a total of four whoopie cushions, a pair of fake teeth, a glass of fake whine that when laid on its side appeared as though it was spilled, a fake turd that by the way looked very real and could be very useful, two different fake vomits,

Goofy glasses, six cans of silly string, four stink bombs, a bag of fake candy, two rolls of untearable toilet paper, a fake rat a big bag of feathers, craft glue, a jug of red paint and a realistic looking piece of cake that I could frost but when you stab your fork in it fake but edible blood oozes out. Allen was in for some serious payback.


Okay well I'm sorry I took forever and I have no excuse for it but I guess it is what it is. I would in real life love to prank my science teacher mr wiljanen. p.s he looks like a peanut when he squats. thanks for reading what I have so far :)

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