Chapter 3

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After hearing the intercom, Heathe went to the principals office with a grin on his face. The rest went to their lockers to put their bags in unnecessary stuff in their lockers.

Once they were finished they went to the admissions office to receive their schedule for the first semester. Kendall was pleased with her schedule, she was smiling with lots of excitement. Payne wasn't happy with his schedule but it wasn't to bad either. Adara was annoyed with her schedule and wanted to get a new one. Adara looked at the Mrs Fazekas:" Mrs Fazekas can i get another schedule please? I don't think this one is gonna work for me this year", she said in a sweet but stern manner. Mrs Fazekas looked at Adara:" I'm sorry Adara but I cant change it. I can only change your schedule if you change classes". Adara sighed as she walked to her friends:" I really want to go home now", Kendall looked at her confused:" Why we just got here? Plus we have Control of Powers first period!!". Payne understood why Adara wasn't too excited for Control of Powers but it was Kendall's favorite class since they started with the subject in 7th grade.

Kendall was always the best in the class for Control of Powers while Adara wasn't the best in the class. Adara is afraid of her own power since she nearly burnt Heathe alive one day because her emotions got the better of her. This year would be different, Adara will make sure she will succeed in Controls of Power.

Suddenly Heathe walked out of the principals office while smiling. Kendall:" When do you have detention today?", Heathe just grinned at Kendall and grabbed his schedule for the day. Adara smiled knowing exactly what had happened:" He didn't get detention", Kendall looking confused while Payne chuckled at Kendall's reaction. Kendall confused at why they were all smiling:"I don't get it. He should of gotten detention because of his prank by the lockers this morning." Kendall looked at Heathe confused while waiting for someone to say something. Adara gave in while smiling:" He doesn't have detention because of a little trick he figured out last year", Kendall still confused:" What trick?", Payne:" The trick really helped us all get out detention a few times", chuckling. Heathe:" Without the trick we would of been expelled by now", laughing while smiling. Kendall was starting to get irritated and annoyed that they didn't want to tell her the trick:" Can someone please tell me the trick", whining in annoyance. Heathe grins:" We could tell you but it'll be better if we showed you",walked down the hallway. Adara and Payne followed Heathe smiling, and Kendall stood there contemplating if she should go or not. Unfortunately curiosity got the better of her as she caught up with the rest, wondering what they meant by "the trick".

Heathe found an empty room and walked in. They followed him into the room and Heathe locked the door so no one can come in. Kendall:" So what now?", annoyed and curious. Adara:" Kendall look at my eyes and don't freak out", said in a calming manner, making sure Kendall understood. Kendall nodded her head in agreement. Adara took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Once she opened her eyes again, the colour of her eyes were purple. Kendall looked amazed but shocked. She had so many questions but as she turned around Heathes and Paynes eyes were purple aswell. Kendall took a step back out of shock. The three of them walked closer to her and Kendall kept moving backwards until she hit the back wall of the room. Heathe got closer to her with the biggest grin on his face while Payne and Adara grinned. Heathe leaned down to her ear and whispered :" Got ya". The three of them laughed in amusement and Kendall just looked pissed. Kendall:" You guys are shit friends sometimes", while folding her arms. Heathe grinning:" We know". Kendall:" Whatever", while rolling her eyes. Kendall's expression turned from pissed to confusion. Kendall:" Why are your eyes purple tho" Heathe:" Because of a special plant that i grew. It's like a mind control flower. But i added a Heathe twist to it.We ate it last year and now it's in our system forever", all three of them grinning while Kendall looked at them shocked but also impressed with Heathes skills. Adara:" We know impressive right. And for once Heathes planting skills came in handy", smiled and giggled a bit. Heathe just rolled his eyes at Adara's comment. Payne:" That was fun but i think we should head to class now. Plus i got Prof.Baia" Adara:" Wicked witch of the west and my least favorite teacher", Heathe:" Ah yes the teacher that loves me the most", grinning. Adara and Kendall gave him a wtf look. Kendall:" I bet he's fucked her", whisper to Adara. They both giggled at Kendall's comment. Payne just shook his head and was heading to the door:" You coming Heathe". Heathe gave the girls a concerning look before heading to the door himself. The boys left to their class as the girls left to their class. Adara:" What do we have?". Kendall:" History of Elementals". Adara smiled knowing she had one of her favorite classes first thing today.

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