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5 years later...

I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. There I found two best friends that I am keeping with me for a lifetime. They are the only friends I had throughout these years and the only ones I needed. Their names are Olivia and Elio. Olivia is really smart and extroverted compared to both of us and Elio is kinda like me. We get along really well. They make me laugh a lot and never make me feel alone. They both molded me into who I am now. I am not the same person I was five years ago. I am more confident now and a little more extroverted, but one thing remains constant, my feelings for Moon. I can't get over her no matter how hard I tried, I tried to date other people but nothing seems to work.

I decided to go to the library to read some books and lend some. I have been really into reading nowadays. I entered the library and started to look for books and one book caught my eye "The Crooked Kingdom".I have been wanting to read this book for so long so I picked up the book and looked for a space to sit and found one and sat there. I looked straight ahead of me and saw a person looking like Moon in front of me...or is it Moon?

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