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(Y/N Thoughts)

My name is Y/N, I'm not really what you might consider tall, only standing at the height of 5'0  (1.52m).

Now you might be thinking; it's not a big deal, there are plenty of guys my age that are just as short. Well tell that to the people at my school.

It is not an exactly hard life but to say the least, it doesn't come with a lot of advantages. Luckily I was never straight-up physically bullied but people like to tease or make fun of my height. There were a couple of times I was mistaken as a kid. One time, they wouldn't let me in the movie theater to watch a PG-13 movie because I didn't look the right age.

It also doesn't help the fact I used to be the tallest throughout elementary since I grew up a little bit earlier than the rest of my classmates. Because of this, I always make fun of them for how short they are compared to me. Oh, the karma. I haven't grown in height since 5th grade... Now here I am, little 16-year-old me turning 17 me stuck at 4'11.

How did things turn out this way? I had plenty of calcium when I was a kid and my family is not as short as I am! Heck, my little sister is taller than me. I just want to grow at least a few inches...

But you know what? Yeah, maybe, I'm making too much of a big deal out of this. Maybe, I shouldn't be caring about this too much. I shouldn't be whining about this and just accept it. I'll just ignore all the comments and finish high school with decent grades and have a normal high school experience... right?


[6:45 AM]

I woke up with a mild headache and was in a very uncomfortable position on my bed. I hear my bedroom door knock. My father comes out after opening the door.

"Hey Y/N. Remember to start packing your things since we are gonna move from town." My father reminded me. "Oh right... I forgot about that." I responded with a tired tone. "We leave at 10 am." My dad said. "Yeah yeah... okay." I responded while rubbing my eyes. My father looks at me with a light smile on his face before closing the door.

"New town, huh? Guess I have to move to a new school too." I said to myself. "Whatever its not like I liked my current school in the first place". I said as I remembered the times I had been made fun of for being short. "Idiots..." I muttered.

[Sometime later]

As I was half-finished packing my stuff I heard my door knock and my sister came in and asked me "Yo bro, Are you done yet?". "No, but I am close to." I answered. "Well, you can stall and stop for a while since breakfast is ready, you are gonna need to drink your milk to grow after all."  My sister says in a teasing tone. "HEY!" I shouted. She sticks her tongue out and leaves.

I sigh. "Well, I guess I do need a break." I stop packing my stuff and head to the dining room. My family is already there waiting for me. "Ah, Y/N you're here." My mother looks at me smiling. I sat right next to my sister and we began chatting and eating.

"So, Y/N are you happy to move to a different town and a different school?" Asked my mom.

"No, not really. I mean I can finally take a break from all the teasing from school but I have a feeling that'll only come back in the next one." I answered.

"But can you blame them? You have the body of a kid from elementary school." My sister remarked.

"Shut it." I said with an annoyed tone.

"Now now, let's not fight." Said our father trying to stop the bickering between me and my sister.

"Whatever..." I responded pretty annoyed.

We continued eating breakfast until we were finished and I went back to my room to finish packing.

[Some time passed and it's now time to move.]

"God, I can at least hope to get a good and ordinary high school experience. It'll just include lots of bullying for my height but I believe I can endure through it." I thought to myself.

To be continued...

A/N: Hope you guys were satisfied with this prologue. My first time writing and I had to take some notes from blogs and other Wattpad fics.

This is the part where you give me criticism. I'm open to it (I like to think I am).

Anyways, the next part is some stuff you need to know before continuing reading this.

Size Doesn't Matter (Tall Girls Harem x Short Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now