Chapter Eight - Chaos, Chaos!

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*The girls are setting up a ritual. They found an ancient proverb in Journal One.*

Gwen (Way too enthusiastically): This is going to be the best sleepover ever!

Evie: What about all the other ones we've had ;-;

Gwen: . . . They were good.

Noelle (Putting down the last candle): Okay, so this looks like it was written in Latin... WHO HERE SPEAKS LATIN!?!!

Ivy (Raising her hand whilst sitting in the corner): I can.

*Noelle picks up Ivy and drops her in the middle of the circle.*

Ivy: Okie dokie. Caseus bonus est, Caseus magnus est; Quod si non consentis;

*The circle glows red. A small triangle emerges from it. The circle stops glowing and you thought it was Bill . . . IT WAS ACTUALLY LILY- oh crap you don't know who that is do you, reader? Well, they look just like Bill, but they're green and have a pitch black eye with a green pupil. They also wear a pink flower.*


Lily: Hiya! I'm Lily. I'm an all-powerful entity from another dimension. But I won't hurt you!

Gwen: YES! We summoned a free snack!

Evie (Backhanding Gwen): N O! It's too cute to eat!

Lily: AWWW! You spoil me! ANYWHO, why'd ya summon me?

Ivy: Well ya see . . . Noelle, why did we summon her?

Noelle: I-dunno. I just wanted to see if it worked.

Lily: Well it most certainly does! How else would you have beaten those clowns?

Noelle: I-actually that's fair. Wait a minute, how did you know that?

Lily: I see everything.

Ivy: That's kinda creepy. Euugh *She shudders.*

Gwen: Wait does that mean she saw... o-o

Evie: 0-0

Lily: Yeah you guys are kinda weird. BUT THAT'S WHAT I'M ALL ABOUT! :D

*Footsteps are heard coming up the stairs.*

Noelle: AH! That could be Ford! Quick! Hide! He can't know we summoned you!

*The girls clean up the ritual stuff.*

Lily: But why?

*Ford comes into the room.*

Ford: Alright girls! We have a big day toda- *He notices Lily.*

Lily: OOOOOOH! Him!

*Lily steps onto the ground and clears her throat.*

Lily: Hey there bud! Nice to meetcha! I'm Lily!

*Ford looks at the stuff buried in the corner and Noelle holding the journal.*

Ford: Come with me, Noelle.

*Ford grabs Noelle's arm and brings her outside the room.*

Ford: What were you thinking?! You can't be messing with this sort of stuff!

Noelle: But she is nice.

Ford: Noelle! She looks just like-

Noelle: Ford I don't care. I'm a hormonal partially emo teenager AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP ME!! *She walks back into the room and locks the door.*

Noelle: Apologies for that. Continue.

Lily: Well, now that I'm not using my all-powerful voice, I seem much nicer don't I?

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