Chapter Fourteen - Takeover

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*We show Lembella in a small woodside environment.*

Lembella: *Evil laughter*, F-haha-inally! I HAVE MY POWER BACK, I have those PAWNS thinking I'm their 'friend', and the orange one would do anything because she thinks I'm CUTE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

*We switch back to the Mystery Shack with a boy about Liam's age hanging out with him. Liam's arm is in a cast with tons of writing on it*

Ivy(walking in): Oh hey Liam! What happened to your arm?

???: He jumped off that cliff.

Ivy: Oh yeah! How did we even survive that! Wait, who are you?

Noah: Oh right, I'm Noah, nice to meet you . . . . Noelle?

*Ivy looks deeply offended*

Noah (whispering to Liam): D-did I say something wrong or?

Liam (whispering back): Y E S

Ivy (stopped being offended): So how do you know Liam?

Noah: Oh yeah, we're dati-

*Liam covers up Noah's mouth.*

Liam: SHHHHHHHH. That isn't, uhhh, any of your business?

*Noah pulls Liam's hand off of his face*

Noah: What was that for!

Liam: See, Evie is VERY interested in people's loves life sO-

*Evie busts into the room, leaving an Evie sized hole in the wall.*

Noah: Oooh that's why.

Evie: I ! H E A R D ! T H E ! W O R D S ! D A T I N G!

Ivy: Evie, for the love of cheese, please don't do this......

*Evie has now almost teleported over to Noah*

Evie: So, Noah, tell me, when was your first job, where did you work, do you make money, how did you two meet, are you an only child or do you have siblings, is this your first relationship, were you the cause of any break up, do you know any cops, do you live in Gravity Falls, and do you like Liam or are you just using him for money? 0^0 -^- 0^0

Noah: Don't have one, petting zoo, it's volunteer work, I legitimately found him trying to steal one of the goats, only child, yes, no, no, yes and he lives in a generator so no.

Ivy: How did you understand that! NOBODY HAS EVER UNDERSTOOD THAT!

*Gwen, Noelle, Jasmine, run into the shack. They all looked terrified.*

Gwen: OKAY! So... Emmabelle.. is like, EVIL! I need a nap T-T

Ivy: Proof?

Noelle: We overheard her evil monologue.

Jasmine: I have been TRYING to tell you that she is EVIL!

Ivy: YOU HAVE!?!?!?!

Jasmine:oh my god why do i hang out with these stupid idiots.......

Evie(slowly turning around): What did you saaaaay?

Jasmine: Nothing! Stupid idiots,

Noelle: Okay look, we don't have that much time, she might have seen us.


*After explaining because we don't care =)*

Evie: *near tears* soo that adorable little girl has been trying to kill us?

Jasmine: Y E S! Do none of u pay attention

Evie: *finally processing what they said* wait what

Jasmine: >: [

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