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Lights flashing, everything was blurred. You heard loud buzzing sounds in your ears, any voices felt too far away to hear. You felt yourself slipping away, as the blood dripped out of the wounds the paramedics couldn't get to.

This was his fault, Jason blamed himself. He swore that he'd change this city for you, the second he came back from the dead, the very second he escaped death's grasp, he knew nothing, remembered nothing, nothing was on his mind.... except you.

You were his dying thought.

He only continued down this path for you, to protect, but the things he did. Oh.. he knew you'd never look at him the same, or love him in return. But that didn't matter, if he had to burn Gotham to the ground to protect you. He would, he'd do the same to the world. But only for you, oh it's all for you. But for now Gotham would burn for you..

That's probably why he was furious when he found out that you had come back with Dick, for his funeral. He didn't care if you weren't there, I mean how could he, the boy was dead.

Killed by his own mistake, life taken by the very thing that haunted most of Gotham, the one being that Batman kept coming back, time and time again... the very thing that the Nightwing murdered in cold blood for taking his little brother from him, the fucking Joker, it wasn't human, it never was, and now it never will be, because it's dead, well it was, but the fucking Batman doesn't tolerate murder.

But that isn't the point here, no... of course not. The point is that the minute Jason finishes checking up on you, he's going to kill that fucking clown, for ever thinking that it was a good idea to look your way, he was going to drown it in it's own blood.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he had walked into your room at the hospital, flowers in one hand and a cute little stuffed bear in the other. He had walked in on the titans surrounding your bed, the little bit of chatter that had previously filled the room was suddenly gone and all heads had turned from your nearly lifeless body to him.

His boots squeaked slightly as he stopped and came to a halt, he looked around. Setting his guard back up, ready for anything.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Conner, he's angry, oh so very angry. You and Gar were the ones to stick up for him, and took upon yourselves to teach him the things he didn't know.

"Yeah, it's his fault she's, like this" Kori, was angrier. You helped her when you two first met, taught her how to control her emotions.

"Guys, he's here for her. Not us, it's not his fault" He's right it's not Jason's fault. Gar is the only one who still has any faith in Jason, he believes that he is still good, it's just all buried underneath rage. You and Gar got along the most, always cracking jokes.

He looked at Dick, waiting for his outburst of rage. Instead the man wasn't even paying attention to anyone else. His eyes were trained on you. Jason was sure he wasn't even blinking, scared that if he looked away for a second something terrible would happen.

"I'm just gonna leave" he wasn't sure if anyone had heard him, the fucking Red Hood most of Gotham feared this man, and he was on the verge of tears because he nearly lost the love of his life.

Jason turned around ready to walk away and never come back -that's a lie, he'd always come back to you, even if he tried not to- until the faintest of voices pulled him back in.

"Jay?" he swore that he had never moved that fast in his life, turning around to see you. You were still asleep, and yet here you were calling to him in your sleep.

And that's all it took a simple and soft usher of your voice calling to him, for him to stop caring about anything, their opinions, his safety, he let it all go for you.

He stopped the second he made about two steps towards you. Conner wasn't going to risk your safety, Gar tried pulling him back. Jason looked over at Dick again, who's attention was flickering from him to the injured woman in the bed.

It was killing Jason, he expected Dick to say something to him, to yell, to fight him. But no, his big brother was more focused on his injured sidekick, you had helped Dick out of a rough spot, you met him at the circus.

You were the lead acrobat, you were so flawless, you moved so effortlessly across the sky, but you were so young, not as young as he was but still so very young. You lost your place at the circus because you didn't want to fall to your death, because you made a 'stupid' decision to care more for the people's entertainment than your safety. And you became his sidekick, back when he was Robin you became Nightingale, you're the inspiration for his name.

You are his sidekick, his Nightingale.

It's his job to protect you, but how could he have known that you were furious when Bruce brought the Joker back? How could he have known, when you're so good at hiding your feelings. How could he have known that you were that angry you went to finish him off a second time, that you had gone to finish what he started?

But all that didn't matter now, you need Dick Grayson, not Nightwing right now. And he was going to stay as long as you needed him, but you needed Jason as well, and Dick was willing to accept that.

"Take a walk team" Dick glanced around the room, motioning towards Jason and patting the chair next to him "sit"

The team walked out hesitantly, but Gar assured them nothing bad would happen. Jason moved forward to place the flowers and the stuffed bear on the table next to you, taking a seat in the chair next to his brother. Silence filled the room, but not for long.

"You know, she cried for you"


"She cried, for you. Even when she fell asleep, she called for you, this isn't the first time. The second we got to the cave, she wouldn't fall asleep"

Jason wasn't sure what to say, he was angry that he couldn't save you. "I didn't know"

"I know, we couldn't get her to calm down"

"I'm sorry-"

"Why'd you do all this?"

Not for the first time today Jason was left speechless, he made eye contact with the man beside him and glanced back at you.

"You did this for... her?"

Jason took your hand in his "I do everything for her"

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