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"hyung has changed a lot?"Jungkook uttered,his face drained out of any emotion,he look tired and exhausted even making Jin frown and place a reassuring arm on his shoulder.

"He rarely at home nowadays and when he did,he wouldn't leave his room I know he's close off about himself but now he's more distant"

"one time,he stay overnight in the studio but it was actually a lie i went to look for him but he was not there"

"I'm afraid hyung.he's all I got i don't want to lose him"

He explained further,his tears felled uncontrollably and it break their heart to see their maknae looking so broken.

"Have you tried talking to him maybe he was busy or going through some stuff?,you know how he is"

namjoon added but Jungkook shook his head in disagreement.

"He won't tell me anything no matter how much I tried to ask and lately he looks too happy,I liked it but I don't know why"he says,heaving down a frustrated sigh.

He could feel they're slowly starting to let go,he could wonder why because they were never close from the start,he was not a fool he knew his husband was cheating on him after all he has been studying the situation but he was afraid to find out,he was terrified to know the obvious.

they were in the edge of saying goodbye but he doesn't want that,he will fight till the end even if it hurt like hell.the greater pain is losing the male anyway.

It bearable.he can take the pain well.

Jin feels anger listening to Jungkook's explanation because perhaps maybe Jimin was cheating on his husband but he's sure the male would never.

"Kookie it's okay,you know how Jimin is,he would bounce back on whatever he's going through"he assured with a smile he didn't want to jump into a conclusion,at least not until he confirm the hell is going on.

Jungkook nod,giving them a smile which they knew pretty well was forced.

They saw how thin the male have became.it's obvious he was not eating and the deep eyes bag on his eyes say he's not sleeping either.

It's makes Jin more angry while namjoon was frowning,they were really worried about the younger by now.

"Please jungkookie,try to take care of yourself you look exhausted what if you suddenly collapsed"namjoon said in concerned but Jungkook chuckle reassuring them he would be okay.

His phone rang from his manager and he quickly bid them farewell and goes back to the company.

"Hyung do you think Jimin is cheating on Jungkook"namjoon asked the other as soon as he heard the door closing, he trust Jimin,the smaller would never do that unless there's a reason to it.

"I don't know joonie but we will find out soon"he answered picking the phone to call the younger.


Jimin and taehyung smiles staring at the snow dropping on the big glass on the window,how much they've dream of this moment to be like this with the person they loved.

Jimin turned around to meet taehyung who was staring at him like he was the world.

"I still can't believe you are here in my arm"he said softly tiptoeing to place a kiss on his head.

taehyung smile pulling him closer enjoying the warmth of their bodies tangled with a passion bringing them the feeling of bliss.

"I hate it when you still leave me to go to another man"Taehyung  whispered softly his dark night brow staring at jimin's brown orbs.

Jimin frown,hating the sadness in his lover's eyes as he start caresses his cheeks.

"Marry me park Jimin?"he demanded catching the elder's off guard.

Jimin stare at him in shock and for some reason the word he has always thought would make him lose his mind is suddenly not thrilling anymore.

For a split moment,taehyung noticed the hesitation on his lover's face which cause a pang on his heart.

"It's okay jiminie you don't have to be uncomfortable by my word,we just met so I think we should take it slow"

Taehyung assured,letting out a smile that couldn't even reach his eyes,he was afraid and many horrible thoughts started filling his mind again.

The thought of Jimin loving his husband more than him makes his heart beat uncomfortably.the fear of losing the love of his life to another man terrified him so much.

Jimin noticed his discomfort and quickly intertwined their hands together.

"I love you tae,you are my beginning and end,I hope you don't forget that?"he confirmed and that's what it takes for taehyung insecurity to fade as tears fell down on his cheeks.

He immediately pulled the elder into a deep kiss.Jimin was taken aback at first by the sudden action before slowly melting into the kiss.

Both of their eyes closed and their lips moving in a slow pace like the little waves that hit the rocks in the lake.

it was a peculiar feeling that both felt the way their stomach twisted and yearned for more,they were losing oxygen yet they still didn't stop,they wanted to continue until their skin grow blue from holding in their breath for so long just to stay in that moment.it made them feel something new,something unforgettable.

They pulls away feeling utterly breathless they stare softly at each other as Taehyung slowly caresses his face.

Jimin felt an object slides into his wrist,he looks at his hands and gasp,a tears instantly left his eyes at the shining rounded moon shape bracelet hanging loosely on his hands.

his heart welling up upon seeing the object and what made him more emotional was the same copy on taehyung's hand.

Taehyung nuzzles their forehead together and wipe the few drop of tear that has force it ways out from jimin's eyes.

"I love you minie,a lot.and this my heart to you,without you I'm not complete and every word you say is like a silver stake piercing through my heart and sometimes i start missing you even when you're right beside me you honestly made my head spin when I'm with you"

"that's why I wanted to have all of you,waking up everyday to see you beside me,coming back from work to see you waiting for me by the door and to have you beside me forever"

Taehyung admit pausing for a while caresses the male tears filled face as a peaceful silent filled the room and the only thing echoes through the room is their racing heartbeats.

Taehyung smile,increasingly drawing the male impossible close to him as if he was going to fade away if he didn't.

"I know I'm being greedy and selfish for wanting you all to myself but that's how much I love you but i can wait for you,just promise you will always come back to me"Taehyung expressed wholeheartedly,his voice holding a lot of sincerity and desperation.

And Jimin answer by tugging and pulling Taehyung into a deep kiss their wet cheeks graze against each other as their trembling heart met in a new foreign embrace.

Taehyung wrap his arms around the smaller waist and jimin thread his quivering hand into those black locks both indulging in that feeling that they haven't felt in a while their empty heart slowly filled with warmth as their heartbeats echoes with effortless synchronization.

They cherish the warmth of their contrasting bodies indulging in the solace from the varying heartbeats, how their unspoken love turned into unbounded betrayal,how comfort became pain and once a thriving heartbeats numb to a dull lifeless throb.

"there's no reason to be afraid tae because this time,I'm choosing you so let get married taehyung"

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