Chapter 1 : I'm so (Un)Lucky !

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Trigger warning : This chapter contains small mentions of death. Reader discretion is advised.

Hey ! = Talking.
Hey ! = Thoughts.

???'s POV.

I was laying upside down on my bed, bored out of my god damn mind. Oh yeah, hi there. I'm Y/n.

Y/n, yee.

Now you might look at me and think, 'what an average guy', well to everyone else, I wasn't so average.

I was often despised by many, namely my own family. Oh yeah, I never had a mother since she died after giving birth to me.

I've also been falsely accused by others, just as a god damn cherry on top to my already, painful life.

Luckily, nowadays I was in a... ok spot in life. Admittedly I needed a hood on whenever I went outside, and some days the sun just decides 'burn bitches'.

But it could be worse, I could've been in jail.... or even dead.

I soon heard my doorbell ring, I was actually caught off guard by this since I never really had visitors.

I cautiously approached my door and opened it, alas nobody was there but there was a box at my door step. I looked around before taking the box inside and examining it. I was pretty suspicous of it though, who would just leave a box on someone's door step ? Suppose I should just open it.

I grabbed some scissors and cut open the box, inside laid a cartridge alongside a note that read

'Dear person recieving this, please take this in for me, as I no longer am capable of using it for.... unknown reasons. Be sure to take good care of it !

- the original owner of this catridge'.

I examined it more thoroughly, the cartridge was pretty scratched up already and didn't even seem to have a name. But it didn't seem or looked to be dangerous so I decided to take it. Besides I was bored as hell, so what was the harm in having some entertainment ?

I slotted the catridge into my very old and crappy VHS player, it sucked but hey, it still worked. Know what they 'don't fix what's not broken'.

Upon the cartridge starting up, it started glitching almost instantly. I paid no mind to it and just blamed it on my VHS player being as old as it is.

??? : Hehe, you seem so relaxed~.

I instantly tensed up, where the hell did that voice come from ?! I blamed it on my imagination and kept watching, albeit with a slightly nervous expression.

??? : Relax, this'll take a mere moment~.

Suddenly something came out of the screen and that's all I remember before I blacked out.

Author's POV.

Y/n slowly began to stand up, he had actually went unconcious for a bit but he was finally awake now. He looked around the area he was currently in which was a mere black void.

Y/n : Where am I ?

??? : Hello Y/n~.

Y/n's eyes instantly darted around the dark room, looking for where that voice came from.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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