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🥲🥲🥲: lagi malu malu kucing mau bikin surat cinta.


gatau, deh, aku salah tingkah sendiri. gak kebayang kamu baca ini kayak... APA, SIH, NIH BOCAH. gitu gak, sih? padahal niatnya mau kayak orang-orang gitu, lho, bikin thread wording bagus tapi kepalaku selalu gak bisa perfectly explain what i feel through that. emang defaultnya bawelin kamu aja. maaf, ya? (nangis darah).

well... mulai darimana, ya? i have uncountable things to say that i kept in mind but seriously, i just can't express it well since i easily losing focus every time i try to remind myself about you. everything has become the good memories that are almost impossible for me to forget, even with those fights and sleepless nights we have spent alone to tidy up our own mind, there are still a great part within.

oy btw, demi allah kamu tau, ya, aku lagi bikin sesuatu buat kamu jadi nanya aku kenapa aku diem gak nyanyi?!!!? JANGAN GANGGU AKU NANTI GAK BERES JAM 12 MALEM IH.

bercanda. aku suka diganggu kamu.

aku beneran galau (bukan galau sedih) but.. i dont know. sometimes when i look back to walk through our paths, i always found myself mesmerized of how things were unpredictable yet so beautiful back then. kayaknya kita udah sering banget ngomongin ini, remind ourselves about how we found each other and discover our own feeling, but i have never ever ever bored to laugh and talk about everything related to us. and i wish you feel the same since i still want to lengthen our path and reminisce each of the moments with you.

by the way lagi, i get distracted by EVERYTHING karena kamu bales aku CEPET BANGET and i cant ignore you karena aku kangen banget (aslinya) dan mau ngobrol sama kamu. mari kita sudahi love letter ini, ya, ganteng? :)

well, but, here are the short paragraphs for the dearest you. i know i repeatedly tell you how much i love you, yet, i still wonder if that alone is enough to do justice to this love since it grows bigger from time to time. a little apologize for many fights and troubles that i may have started in this month, please forgive this fiery girlfriend of yours, but i wish you know that i tirelessly consider the best thing for you and for us.

we made it, another month we have passed, another step we take to get closer to each other. there are so many many many things that we can do in the future and i wish nobody else but you that will spend that future with me.

i love you, i love you.
that is a spell that i will always recite within my prayers, in a wish that it will charm you with happiness and warmth.

please, know, that you are loved by many, but i love you beyond anything that i could ever tell you. so, let's meet another 2, sebastien aldrich. aku sayang kamu selalu.

p.s. kamu belum pake free wishes hadiah dari aku bulan lalu, ya!!! kamu mau minta apa, i'll grant your wish (kecuali minta aku pergi dari kamu, BIG NO).

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