How to evade the festival.

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I was calling (with voice) a certain goD, when I remembered I have her phone number. For some reason, the number is 256 characters long, and I can even see symbols that I never knew existed.

After classes, I went straight to my room. Homework? My mini-mes can write faster than me. Friends? Occupied with the excessive homework that is given, or training for the festival. It's getting dark, so I finally decided to call D (with my phone).

Instead, there's a custom voicemail directed to me;
D(voicemail, though it sounds like the original voice): Sorry my little Shiraori, but I have work (ugh) to do, and I can't listen to your pleas for help or crazy ideas to evade your responsabilities. If you are being kidnnaped by a god, call again. I hope you entertain me, as I am the number on- aggressive phone slam

Damn you D! You are a mental eyesore to my ten pupils! And how did you say parentheses?

Next plan to evade responsabilities, is faking a sickness. I mean, I'm a god(lol), so my god(lol) powers can fake a sickness. This feels wrong. What sickness could I possibly create? I heard the school nurse is crazy good. And her quirk uses your own energy, so I can't risk contact. And an unknown virus that disables quirks could be a disaster for this entire world!

That won't work. Of these plans, the only moral option left is my last plan, though I have to wait until night.


Now, as I'm in my comfy bed, and told mina I was sleeping early, I went on the god forum (to talk to other gods), and asked Gulie (he has access to this, and its my only way of talking to him) about the system. He was confused, suspicious, but after I mention my D frustrations, a little pity told me what I need.

Sorry, Sophia and Wrath, My vacation is only for V.I.G (very important gods).

Ugh. I can't call allies, nor can I call god, nor can I use my own powers to defeat this nerd rodent legally. Only one thing remains.

I will have to beat this new enemy as he wants to. Now, to find loopholes in the system by reading the school contract, his twitter page, the national laws, geneva convention 2.0, and quirked human rights. Go my mini-mes! I want to be lazy once in my life.

...What? They need more space? Go to the living room. Don't get caught! waves them goodbye

In another room...

A certain nerdy rodent looked at the cameras late at night. He thought he could leave the system to do it's thing, when he saw... white spiders with books and a phone? This is an infiltrating villain, an enemy stand user or a student's quirk. He quickly searched through the student files. He found the girl with the quirk, so he doubted it's a villain. But this entry seems strange. The rat knows who is a top scorer, but never looked inside the file of the 1-A Top? Now would be a good time to start, as this is getting interesting.

Shiraori Shiro (strange names, but sure), 15? (what? why "?", who allowed that?), Quirk: Spider-related, I guess... (who the fuck allows that? who was the doctor?)

This is slightly angering me. A top student is making fun of my skills? I cannot let her enter the sports festival! If this(the quirk) gets out to the public, the authorities (and by extension the hero commission) will have a reason to investigate. I have a plan to exclude a student out of the festival 99% legally. insert Nedzu evil laugh here

End of chapter. Next one will be about a side character that doesn't do much. And the plot thickens. See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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