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Whitty's POV:

I can't believe I fell for it. I thought I could trust them, I thought I could trust...Him but atlas I was wrong. They're a family of demons, and I went ahead and signed a contract with them, how stupid am I?.

They didn't care about my music they only cared about ballistic. They forced me to do it, it wasn't my fault. It was a defence mechanism.

It didn't matter, they point the blame all on me because I refused to work with them anymore. I should have stayed quiet but I didn't. Now here I am running as fast as I can away from the cops that are chasing me.

It was nighttime and raining so not only could I not see but I am as risk of slipping and getting caught. I need to hide somewhere and fast.

Just my luck, an alleyway. I took a sharp turn d9wn the alley, and got running, making as many sharp turns as I could to get them off my trail.

After a few of what felt like hours to me, I couldn't hear their sirens anymore so I slowed down to catch my breath. I leaned against the wall hunched over as I tried to catch my breath.

I can slowly feel my system cool down before I sat down against the wall and leaned my head back. Black tears ran down my face as I bring my knees up to my chest and thought about what had happened and what I could have d9ne better.

I'm such a fucking idiot to think I could just leave a home of demons unscathed. I should have put my emotions aside and continue to obeyed them, that way I could have at least a roof of my head instead of this thin hoodie.

But In the bottom of my mechanical heart I felt I did the right thing. Now that I'm free from them I don't have to deal with the emotional or physical abuse they put me through. I don't have to be forced to break my own mind just for their satisfaction. I'm free.....just asnthe tears stopped, I cracked a small smile as I repeated those words of encouragement. I'm free...."I'm free."


??? Pov:

FU*K FU*K FU*K FU*K I can't let them catch me. I won't let them catch me, I'll continue running till the day I explode. So much has happened in the past few days of my life and I am struggling to keep up.

I recently found out that I am a doomsday device made by these crazed scientists. Apparently I am not the first to be made by these guys. I seen blueprints of another doomsday device, they called it Whitty and appeartly he escaped years before they made me.

I wasn't supposed to find out about him tho- I wasn't supposed to even know what I am and yet I do, and because of that they want to reset me and start over. Like hell Imma let that happen.

I did manage to run out the lab and facility. From here on I have no idea of where I'm going. I have never been outside before but now's not the time to enjoy the view, I have to keep going till they give up.

~~~~~~~~~~~5 hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~

I don't know how I'm still able to run but I'm so glad I'm not tired yet. I did however manage to get them off my trails. I'm in an alley way right now, I've been running for so long that I now notice that it's dark out. I slide down onto the floor, only then did I start breathing heavily. Almost like I'm gasping for air.

I guess I too have a limit on how long I can run. 5 hours max....not bad but if this keeps up I'll have to expand my stamina. I close my eyes and let myself cool off as I shut down to save what battery I have left. Hopefully I can find a charger in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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