Tom & jerry: the interrogating the witness

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The next day, their door bell rang to their mansion.

Wolf opens the door to see Tom, "Tom glad you could make it"

"Well I did swore a oath and I never break a promise"

Once he lets Tom in, he looks around for his partner, but just saw no one.

"Is your partner coming, where is he?" Wolf asked.

"He is here"

"But where"

"I'm down here" Jerry says as wolf looks down then he jumps and panicked when he saw that he nearly stepped on Jerry.

"Oh...I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, I nearly stepped"

"Detective Jerry mouse" Jerry shows him his badge.

"Huh? A mouse? That's interesting?" Then wolf sighs as he felt embarrassed, "I'm sorry" he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's ok, i get that a"

They head in the living room where Jerry starts a recorder.

"Why don't you tell us what happened"

Everyone was looking in distress ever since princess has been taken.

"Well Where to begin...I guess it started 3 days ago when we took princess to the smokewood ski resorts in Alaska"

"Uh huh" Jerry listens as Tom takes notes, "and when was the last time you saw princess before she was taken" Jerry asked.

"When we dropped her in our suite this morning at 9 I think, we told her to get ready for dinner we were going to have and when I went to check up on her at 6 I think...then she was gone"

After wolf finished, he became too sad for words, then snake stepped up.

"The first thing we saw was that someone broke in and thrashed our room" snake says.

"Uh huh? Do you know anyone who might wanna hold a grudge against you or maybe...have it in for your daughter"

But then the bad guys frown and looked at each other, it had Tom and Jerry worried and concerned.

"What is It guys? What's up?" Tom asked.

Then wolf gets up, "we do know one person"

"Who?" Tom asked, "come on guys I have to know"

Wolf took a pause for a moment and said, "Thomas chesterfield" a name they thought they would never mentioned ever again.

But Jerry and Tom looked at each other as they were clueless to who Thomas was.

"Who's Thomas" Tom asked.

"Princess biological father"

And that shocking news made Tom and Jerry gasped.

Then Jerry stands up with a stern look.

"Show us Where this Thomas is?"

A momentary they arrived at the most maximum security prison in Los Angeles.

But Tom was still baffled to learn the truth about princess real father and who he was.

"So let me get this straight, princess real father is some guy named Thomas chesterfield?" Tom asked.

"Yes" wolf answered.

"Who was once a millionaire?"


"So what happened to him? Why's he in jail? And how did you guys ended up with princess?" So many questions, with little much to know.

"He was arrested for trying to kill princess when she was a baby"

THE BAD GUYS IN: HARD BOILED DOUBLE FEATURE Where stories live. Discover now