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~~~jacob black~~~word count: 862

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jacob black

word count: 862

Forks. My home. I live with my father, Charlie Swan, and sister, Bella Swan. I also have a friend - Jacob Black. We've been friends for years - before Bella had even gone to live with our mum in Phoenix. I've known for a while that I like Jacob - I'm just too scared to admit it. The issue is, I'm also aware that Jacob is a werewolf and I don't know what that would mean for me if we were to date. We hang out a lot alone but he's never shown interest to me than as anything more than friends. In fact, we're meeting up today. In the woods. 


"I have something to tell you." Jacob started our conversation as we trekked through the endless vast of green bushes and leaves attached to the bark on the trees. 
"You can tell me anything," I said - it's true. Nothing he says will scare me away.
"I've imprinted on you." He blurted out and turned to face me.
"What?" I asked - I've heard of imprinting before when Jacob's mentioned it.
"Listen, it's not something that can be stopped nor caused," he began. 
When having finished his explanation, I felt colour rise to my cheeks - this is how he ended it. 
"So, what I'm asking is - will you be my girlfriend?"
Freezing in my spot, I didn't realise what I was about to do next. Leaning forward, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and moved my face closer to his. Joining our lips, we kissed an it felt magical.
"Is that a yes?" he asked.
"What do you think?" I giggled. 


The next day, Jacob walked up to me - deep in thought. Sitting down, he seemed uncomfortable and nervous. 
"What's up?" I asked.
"Well, I was just thinking. Since I've already imprinted and we're already dating. I mean, nothing could stop the imprinting anyway so I guess what I'm asking is-"
"Please just get to the point!"I begged, feeling impatient. 
Getting down on one knee, he pulled a small black velvet box from his back pocket. 
"Will you marry me?" he asked, opening the lid and revealing a silver band flooded with diamonds. 
"Yes!" I screamed, jumping up. He threw the box onto the chair I was sitting on and wrapped his arms around me - bringing me up into the air. 
"But..." I said aloud.
"No no no no no no no. No buts."He set me down and rushed to put the ring onto my finger - it slipped on perfectly. 
"We wouldn't be able to have the wedding soon. Bella and Edward's is too soon - it would need to be after."
"Yeah, I agree. Listen, let's relax today, tell my dad tomorrow and then tell everyone else after their wedding."


And so that's what we did. Bella and Edward's wedding was fabulous and everyone had so much fun. It was a week after and my dad and Billy both wanted to make an announcement. Once all together, Billy took the the centre of the room and announced,
"Jacob imprinted on Y/N. After all of this, they both decided it would be proper to get married. The wedding will be in a week's time and so we need everyone's help to get ready." 
Looking around the room, I noticed Bella and Edward's shocked face.
"How did we not know this sooner?"Bella asked, looking concerned.
"We didn't want to distract from your wedding - you know now, though, so let's start preparing for the next wedding."I explained. 

Over the next few days, Bella and I went dress shopping finding the most beautiful, striking white dress possible.  Jacob and I even had time to go on a small date - a picnic - as our last date as boyfriend and girlfriend. It was so romantic, the roses, the dark night sky illuminated by the tiny bright stars. I never wanted it to end...

until it was the wedding.

Bella, of course, was my bridesmaid and supported me all through the mini panics that I had leading up to the actual wedding. 
"Werewolves will be everywhere!" I ran my hands through my hair.
"You'll be fine - if I can survive vampires, I'm sure you can survive werewolves."She answered.
"It's crazy how naturally we can throw in werewolves and vampires into our conversations - dad doesn't even know!" We both laughed and began to get ready. 

Jacob wearing his pristine black suit and me contrasting in my white dress dancing was all I needed after sharing our vows. A few hours later we both went to our hotel room that we had rented for the night and sat on the bed together. 
"How do you feel, Mrs. Black?"Jacob teased.
"Incredible, Mr. Black." 


Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva 

Thank you so much - this isn't my usual stuff. I'm going through a Luke Dunphy (modern family) phase at the moment so I'll either do a separate story for him or add modern family imagines for this book. Please request as it keep me going - i'll try to update some more soon.

xoxo gossip girl. 

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