The Antimatter Legion's invasion

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A (H/C) haired male was seen fighting the monsters of the Legion. This teen was called (Y/N) (L/N).

Landing the final blow to the Reaver in front of him, it collapsed on the ground and faded away, leaving a few parts of it on the metal floor.

Right after the defeat of the Reaver, he heard a few voices talking outside the room he was in.

He quickly ran to the door, which opened up immediately the second he got close to it, and looked towards the commotion.

(Y/N) was on the second floor of the storage zone, so he saw a group of people walking on the bridge.

3 of them he knew all too well, March 7th, Dan Heng and Arlan. But there was a gray haired girl who was carrying a baseball bat with them, who he never saw on the space station.

"Is that it? We've reached the elevator already? That wasn't too many monsters~" March said confidently, her hands on the back of her head.

But her eyes kinda widened. "Oof. Probably shouldn't have said that... Might bring bad luck." She put her hands down by her sides. "You've grown, March." Dan Heng mumbled in response.

Just as she said that, a purple projectile shot by a Trampler was shot in Arlan's direction, which made (Y/N)'s eyes widen and he took a stance and launched off towards the projectile.

With his quantum infused machete he cut through the bullet like butter. "And here comes the bad luck for those guys." As he landed, he flashed the four a smirk, and took off at the Trampler that was now infront of the group.

It immediately started aiming at him with his bow, which got a low growl from (Y/N).

"I'm not really a great match against this guy, since quantum isn't one of his weaknesses, and now he's aiming that thing straight at me! I wont't be able to defeat it before it shoots at me either.." (Y/N) started thinking, while dodging the newly arrived Reavers' attacks, while countering them with his own.

The group got out of their shocked state, and March shot down one of the Reavers who was about to hit (Y/N) from behind.

"What're you doing here!? Shouldn't you be with the others who've evacuated!?" Said girl exclaimed. Dan Heng charged at the Trampler, since he wielded the element it was weak to, wind.

"No time to chat, let's fight!" (Y/N) shouted back, which got a hum from the lively girl.

Dan Heng successfully stopped the monster's bow attack, and it immediately started kicking with it's legs.

The gray haired girl, known as Stelle, got to fighting as well, attacking the monster as much as she could to exhaust it.

(Y/N) was successfully done finishing off the second Reaver, and thanked March for the save, which got a thumbs up from her and a nod with a hum.

With March's continuous distraction, Stelle's, Dan Heng's and (Y/N)'s attacks, they were close to bringing the Trampler down.

But right when (Y/N) was about to deliver the final blow, the monster screeched, and at least fifteen Distorters. They were slowly approaching the team, who were backing away slowly. The monsters were about to shoot their attacks, but then a drone came down and destroyed them all, even cutting off one of the horns of the Trampler.

"Go!" Dan Heng ordered the group. They started running towards the elevator, entering it and going up.

"Phew! Himeko came in clutch with her drone! Can't imagine what would've happened if not.." (Y/N) shivered at the thought.

"Alright, now you gotta tell me, (Y/N)- why're you still here, everyone was told to evacuate! You shouldn't even be fighting! You're one of the researchers.." March scolded the boy. "Much less you're still a kid!" She crossed her arms, and shut her eyes.

"What do you mean I'm still a kid?! I'm turning 18 in a few day." (Y/N) pouted, but then he remembered something.

"Wait, who're you? I have never seen you before here on the station." He inquired while looking at the gray haired girl infront of him.

"I'm Stelle. It's nice to meet you, and I have no idea how I got here in the first place. Other than my name, I can't remember anything." She explained.

"Ah, well, Stelle, it's nice meeting a lovely woman such as yourself as well." He bowed, and his comment made a red hue appear on the equally as tall girl's face.

"Don't worry, he's always like that when meeting new people, especially women." March explained.

"Yes, but at least it only happens once." Dan Heng mumbled.


The group of four finally got to the desired floor, and walked out to into the master control zone. On the other side of the room, they saw Himeko, closing a case before looking at them.

"Why does it always have to get this exciting? Anyway, at least you're back." She smiled at the quartet.

"March, Dan Heng, you've been through a lot." Himeko said.

"Whew, Himeko~, what took you so long! That last wave of Antimatter Legion came at us like a swarm of locusts- have you ever tried shooting locusts with a bow?" March whined.

"I wouldn't have made a difference. My orbital cannon can deal with a whole bunch of enemies at once, but I couldn't just blow the space station up- Herta would NOT like that." The red haired woman explained.

"Hey, Himeko, long time no see!" (Y/N) came up to her as well, waving.

She giggled while covering her mouth with her left hand. "Good to see you too."

"Arlan, are you alright? Asta's been worried sick about you." Himeko turned to Arlan.

"I'm fine, a quick patching up will do. Thanks for asking. I'll report the situation to Lead Researcher Asta immediately. Bye." Arlan answered, walking off.

Himeko then turned to the last member of the group, Stelle. "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Himeko, navigator of the Astral Express."

"In other words, she's in charge of where the Express goes." March explained to Stelle.

"March hasn't been any trouble for you along the way, has she?" Himeko chuckled.

"Stelle, think carefully about how you wanna answer that." March warned the gray haired girl.

"I've never met a more lively girl in my life."

"Well, that's the joy of youth! We should take every step forward full of energy!" March replied, then looked at Dan Heng. "He's a discerning one, isn't he, Dan Heng?"

"I have the right to remain silent." He replied coldly.

"Haha, look at you all, you've already gotten really close." Himeko giggled.

"Come on, Asta's been worried about all of you, especially you, (Y/N)." Himeko told the trio, and chuckled at the end.

Realization struck him like a train, he probably made Asta extremely worried, since he was hee assistant, and they were close friends.

"Well, gotta get ready for a lecture.." (Y/N) sighed.


That's the first chapter! I only saw one other male reader inserts about this game (and it's pretty cool so far), which motivated to make this! I'll try my best not to lose motivation, and keep writing when new updates come out. Feedback is accepted, and if you wanna be friends with me in-game, here's my
UID: 700897136.

Remember to stay hydrated, my compatriots!

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