Fighting the Doomsday Beast

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"The supply zone's defence shield won't hold much longer. You all need to hurry... I'll be here, you've got to fend them off... You... Hurry..." And Asta's voice cut off.

"...We lost communications." Himeko told the trio in front of her, which consisted of Stelle, March and Dan Heng.

"Are you thinking of going back? Let me remind you, that's the Doomsday Beast, the Legion's planet destroyer." Dan Heng asked the red haired woman in front of him.

"The space station is Herta's creation. As long as a Lord Ravager doesn't intervene, there should be no problems." Himeko explained.

"B-but we can't just run away like this.. Right? And what about (Y/N)? We can't leave him, he ran off right after seeing the Doomsday Beast trying to get in the station... I think he wants to defeat it, which is probably a suicide mission. We have to rescue him!" March tried to reason.

"The Doomsday Beast can rip off the defence shield like tearing paper- and Herta's not here. The station's defences are too weak to stand against the Antimatter Legion. And as for (Y/N) we should just grab him and get out of there." Dan Heng explained to March.

"Either way, the Legion has the blessing of the Aeon, Nanook. They came prepared and everyone here is not." He finished.

"This is why we have to leave and take Stelle with us. And of course rescue (Y/N) if he gets in big trouble." Himeko put a hand out towards the mentioned gray haired girl.

"Stelle? She's... That important?" Dan Heng got confused as to why they have to take the girl who doesn't even remember anything.

"She's the one who can help us turn the tides... Of course I may be wrong." Himeko answered.

"...As you say so. Alright, what do we do next?" Dan Heng asked with his left hand on his chin, thinking, eyes closed.

"This is the supply zone where the maintenance crew works. There's a path here that leads to the nearest railway platform. Let's head over there and meet up with Welt." Himeko explained. "And, of course get (Y/N) out of trouble... Again." She mumbled the last word.

"Mr. Yang? He's here too? Didn't he stay on the Express?" March asked with curiosity.

"The Astral Express tracks our coordinates in real time, and with such a huge change in the space station's movements, there's no way Mr. Yang wouldn't have noticed it by now." Dan Heng explained, with his arms crossed.

"Hmm, I can almost guarantee you that your Mr. Yang is already on the way." Himeko agreed. "Right now, we might be able to handle things if it's just the Doomsday Beast. But if the Destruction's Emanator were ti appear..." The red haired woman looked down, her eyes closed.

"I still feel things won't be going as planned." Stelle suddenly spoke up, making everyone look at her.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here." Himeko suggested, which got a nod from the three.

The group took off, already running into monsters from the Antimatter Legion.

Somewhere else...

"Oh come on, where's train station C? I always forget!" (Y/N) thought to himself while running down a long corridor.

"The Beast is trying to break through around there, and I might be able to take it down.. No, I will take it down! I'm strong, even those puny monsters couldn't hold me back!" He smirked confidently.

(Y/N) finally found his destination, finding multiple Reavers swarming the area.

"Alright! I gotta take those down, and then the Beast when it arrives!" (Y/N) planned in his mind.

He ran off at the Legion's monsters, trying to take them down as fast as he can.

He ran up to one from behind it and jumped up to stab the Reaver in it's neck. He was successful, but that attack got the other four monsters' attention.

They got ready to attack, and two ran straight towards the (H/C) haired male.

They were trying to slash at him from both his sides at the same time, so he jumped back so they would hit each other, which did a lot of damage to them, but not enough to take the two Reavers down.

(Y/N) slashed at both, but the one on the left dodged, and countered with it's own attack.

The male bent backwards to dodge it, and jumped at the monster to stab his machete through it's stomach.

He was successful once again, and just as he did so, he kept running towards the third one and with the machete that was already through a Reaver he stabbed the monster he was running at and hit both into the ground as hard as he could.

Both evaporated, which meant both of the monsters were defeated, and (Y/N) ran off after the last one.

He jumped as high as he could and started spinning with his machete held out.

When he got to the Reaver, it's head got sliced off like butter. (Y/N) panted, and smirked at his victory.

"That was easy. Hope the Doomsday Beast will be a bit harder." (Y/N) thought, confidence flooding his brain.

Just as he thought, he heard a loud roar ring out in the area. He looked up, seeing the Doomsday Beast flying down towards him.

"Oh you don't know how long I've been waiting for this fight, the Antimatter Legion's planet destroyer!" He shouted towards the giant who was now in front of him.

It roared, and got ready to attack. (Y/N) got into a stance, and when the Beast tried to kill him in one swoop, he jumped straight for it's core.

He stabbed it, but got grabbed and thrown away, dislocating his left shoulder.

"Ow.. that's going to hurt in the morning!" (Y/N) complained in his mind. The giant monster didn't hesitate and sent a light beam straight at the human, which he barely dodged.

He didn't notice, but the Doomsday Beast already started attacking, and hit him with it's right fist in his left side, which made (Y/N) spit out blood

He flew through the air and hit the ground rolling on it. He sat up, coughing up blood.

"Damnit... I think I was too overconfident..." Was what he thought before he saw the Beast charge up it's ultimate attack, Impending Doom.

It flew up, and with the attack finished charging, it shot down on (Y/N) who could only just watch.

"(Y/N)!!" March shouted. The group was sprinting towards the fight.

(Y/N) tried dodging the powerful attack, most of them he was successful at, there was this one beam of light that he didn't take notice of.

It shot right through his left shoulder. The boy screamed in agony, not feeling his left arm anymore. He fall on his bottom, trying not to scream anymore and sound weak in front of his friends.

The others finally got there, and was devastated at the scene. (Y/N) was on the ground, holding the place where his left shoulder should be, and his left arm was a few meters away from him, blood everywhere between the limb and the body.

(Y/N) slowly got up. "I... I can... I can still fight.. Yeah... I can..." He tried to make a normal sentence while trying to ignore the immense pain. But the urge to fall over and sleep won, and he was now falling down, before being caught by March 7th herself.

She set him down gently, and took off her blue jacket, and wrapped it around the unconscious boy's body to try to stop the bleeding.

"God dammit, (Y/N)..." She mumbled as she started to tear up.

"Hey, March, I don't think this is time for you to be sad, we need to take the Doomsday Beast down before it causes more damages.

March nodded and set (Y/N) body down gently on the ground. "Right. Let's take revenge for (Y/N)!"

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