Joining the Astral Express

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(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes, revealing a white ceiling.

"He's waking up, (Y/N)'s waking up!" A feminine voice called out, seemingly shouting to people.

The mentioned boy now opened his eyes, sat up and tried to rub both with both his hands. But he could only rub his right eye. A few people walked up to the bed he was lying in

"Heh? Did my left hand get paralyzed or something?" (Y/N) mumbled to himself.

"Oh, you big idiot!" He heard someone yell at him. He recognized the voice.

"Huh? Why am I an idiot? I did kick that Beast in the ass-" But he got cut off.

"No, you didn't! Instead you lost your left arm!" Scolded the feminine voice of Herta. "You're lucky you didn't die of blood loss!"

"Huh?" He tried to look at his left hand, but he couldn't really see anything there. "HUH?!" His eyes were wide now.

"You tried to face the Doomsday Beast alone. When you were told specifically by me not to fight. And see what that got you! You broke a few ribs and lost an arm!" Herta's voice sounded distressed, her voice shaky.

"I-I..." (Y/N) tried to get words out, but he really couldn't. "I... I'm weak." He mumbled, now fully conscious.

"What? I couldn't hear you." Herta asked, leaning forward.

"I'm weak. I should've at least helped with taking down one of it's hands... I could only stab it once... Then it just started playing  with me like a child with a doll... I couldn't even do anything... That's why I'm weak. I couldn't protect the station." (Y/N) mumbled, just loud enough for everyone around him to hear. His voice was shaky, tears now threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Hey.. Stop it already." He heard another voice next to him. He looked towards said voice and saw March 7th looking at him with caring eyes.

"If you wouldn't have been there, the Doomsday Beast could've done more damage to the space station than it already had. And, don't worry, we beat it for you." She put a hand on his shoulder, bending down a bit to be eye levels with him.

This action of March's seemed to calm the boy down slightly.

"Even with your condition, you did quite the damage to it. Sarcopenia really does suck." Dan Heng said non-chalantly, his eyes closed and arms crossed.


The medical definition of sarcopenia is the gradual loss of muscle mass, strength and function. Sarcopenia can greatly impact your quality of life by reducing your ability to perform daily tasks.

I definitely did not just copy and paste that.


"Yeah, for some reason it just won't go away no matter how much physical activity I do." (Y/N) agreed.

"And that's why we thought a few things through for your future." Himeko decided to join the conversation. "We want you to come with us on the Express and explore with us, so maybe with all that activity your sarcopenia will go away." She explained.

"But.. I won't be able to help if we run into monst-" (Y/N) tried to reason, but was cut off.

"Nope, none of that! You will come with us and that's final." March declared. "Even if you can't fight, you can still explore! And exploring is cool!"

(Y/N) looks away and thinks for a few seconds before answering. "U-uh yeah.. H-how can I reject such a generous offer.."

"Alright! Can't wait to go on adventures with you!" March celebrated, jumping around with her fists in the air.

"Ahem, you still should refrain from fighting, mister. I don't want you to get in even more trouble." Herta crossed her arms and closed her eyes, which made (Y/N) and Himeko chuckle.

Someone entered the room and walked up to the group.

"Ah, (Y/N), good to see you awake and well." The newly arrived person was Welt, he was relieved that the boy was okay.

"Hello, Mr. Yang! (Y/N) here is going to come with us on the Astral Express!" March informed the older male in the room.

"Yes, I've been told. And how is the girl?" He asked, slightly concerned for Stelle.

"She's already woken up, she's only looking around the station." Himeko intervened.

"Uh, sooo, when do we go? Cuz if soon, then I'll pack." (Y/N) questioned to two adults, now standing up.

"Yes, we were planning on leaving soon. I advise you go and pack already." Welt told (Y/N).

"Alright, I'll be done in 15 minutes!"


I'm too lazy to proof read so I'm sorry for my past grammar mistakes.

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