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I'm finally uploading this after like almost a month
McQueen was being bombarded by lights, cameras, and people.

He had been doing great at races after the tiebreaker in California.

In fact, he just won a Piston Cup.

He was holding it in his arms as he answered the people's questions. People were asking him things left and right. After a while though, he started to drown them out a bit. Really he just wanted to go home.

Home. Funny isn't it?

He was put into Radiators Springs against his will and now he's calling it home? It's funny to him. He gave a small wave to Doc as he walked towards the press. When it came to finals like this, everybody in town came to watch him, and it made him smile.

"Alright, Alright settle down everyone. I'm sure he'll have plenty of time to answer your questions in the upcoming interviews." Doc said, pushing through the crowd to Lighting. Lightning smiled at him, and wrapped his arm around his, as they went to walk away. Lightning was grateful because the people were starting to get too loud and annoying.

He wanted to tell everyone to shut up for just a few seconds, but he couldn't. He didn't know when he'd get that silence but hopefully, it was soon. Usually, he doesn't mind the noise and people. In fact, he lives for it. But sometimes it's just too much.

Some of the people started to follow them, but Lightning shooed them away. Once it was just Doc and him, he let go of his arm.
"Thanks." He said.
"No problem."

Lightning looked over at his friends and ran into Sally's arms.
"Lightning you did amazing!" She exclaimed, kissing him on the cheek. He let out a small giggle and said,
"Thanks! Look at it!" He jumped out of her arms to hold up the trophy.
"Wow, it's bigger than I thought." She said, looking at it.
Lightning did a little jump and then showed the rest of his friends.

"Well gosh darn Lightning! You actually did it this time!" Mater yelled, holding up his hand. Lightning smacked it and let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, no need to push cars to the finish line this time, so I got the win pretty easy." He says smirking. Mater laughs and pats Lightning's shoulder. "We're gonna have a big celebration when you get back!" Mater shakes McQueen a bit, to show his excitement.
"Yeah, baby!" Lightning yells. Mater runs off for a second and Doc walks over to Lightning.

"I'm proud of you kid. Honestly. You did good." He ruffles Lighting's hair with a chuckle.
"Thanks." Lightning says.
Sally walks over.
"We gotta go now Lightning. See you tomorrow." She kisses his lips and fixes his hair a bit.
"Love you." He says.
"Love you too." She says. "See ya Doc." She says waving.

His friends start to leave and it's just him and Doc. He looks up at him for a moment, wondering what to do next. He heard people start to walk up to him. He rolled his eyes and let out a small groan before turning around and smiling.

"Lightning! Lightning McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!" People started yelling from all angles.
"What's up?!"
"Do the thing!" Someone shouted.
"You mean this?" He swung his head around at the perfect angels so that his earrings flashed and shined. Doc stood behind him with his arms crossed.
"Hudson! Hudson Hornet!" Some people shouted and tried to get his attention. And soon everyone was talking, and it was hard for Lighting to hear what people were saying let alone process it.

"What?" Was being said a lot. His hands clenched and released his pants. He played with them as he was bombarded with questions. It was starting to annoy him. The fact that he couldn't hear anyone clearly.
"How do you feel after winning your first Piston Cup?!" Someone asked.

"How do I feel? I feel amazing! I'm so grateful that I won this!" He yelled over everyone, bouncing on his tippy toes. Suddenly he was being dragged away by Doc, but the people still followed him.
"Uh, more details tomorrow." He nodded while smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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