Chapter 1 world goes to hell

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Ashlyn and her friends were talking while in class, when all of a sudden a kid they knew came rushing in. "Excuse me what are you doing? this is not your class, and we are in the middle of a lesson." The teacher went up to the kid. The kid suddenly bit the teacher on the neck. Ashlyn knew exactly what was happening. She had played enough zombie video games and watched plenty of zombie shows to know that what was happening was real.while everyone else was freaking the fuck out, she calmly grabbed her friends and brought them to the archery range and kendo club she grabbed a crossbow,arrows and her sword then told Luna and ray to grab some baseball bats or some bows and arrows if they knew how to use them but then Ashlyn remembered she had left her bag and phone in the classroom she told ray and Luna to wait here at the range/club they asked her can you grab our bags too. Ashlyn says I can only grab my bag and someone else's but I'll grab there phones I quickly ran up to our room where I see our teacher munching on some guy. I see a lot of my dead classmates on the ground who didn't turn I then grab my bag and grab ray's but as I grab the bags I knock over a bottle that was on the desk I quickly grab it and check to see if there's any water in it but too my luck there is no water and I startled three or more of my dead classmates and teacher. I quickly grab my sword and decapitated them I then dumped the things we didn't need out onto the floor. I look in all the other bags and grab all the food,water and supplies we need and put it in mine and rays bags. I then start to run back to the archery range but as I'm making my way back I see Darry Jenner and Trish Jenner in a room with the door blocked by a table I knock on the door and say hey open up it's me Ashlyn. Darry and Trish run over too the door and unblock the door I walk in and close it behind me just as I shut the door I feel a pair of arms around me and turn around to see who it was it was Darry he was hugging me so hard I thought I would die from asphyxiation so I say h-hey I can't breathe he let's go and say's sorry sorry while blushing I was just so happy that you are alive and not dead Aw thanks Ashlyn says while blushing but I'm strong and I know how too use a crossbow. I know you know how to use a crossbow says Darry I mean both you and me we're doing archery and were the best on the range Ashlyn smiles and says we're you now cause I remember I was a little better then you Ashlyn teases. Darry says yes
I was great at archery Ashlyn says ok tough boy Trish coughs are you love birds done yet Ashlyn and Darry both blush a crimson red and say s-shut up Trish. Trish suddenly starts to giggle she says ok ok sorry but you guys were being really cute Ashlyn and Darry suddenly start to blush again and say a-anyway how are we gonna get out of here says Darry.Ashlyn says I have people waiting at the archery range for me so I need to go back. Ok says Darry and Trish we will follow you they pick up there bags and start to unblock the door again Ashlyn opens it and quietly say's follow me.
639 words

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