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"do you think there's a chance that alison is still alive?" aubrey hit her brakes so hard that sabrina borderline shot through her windscreen. she had picked both sabrina and hailey up unannounced which unsettled sabrina slightly and they had spent most of the car ride in silence considering hailey had once again taken the route of giving sabrina the silent treatment. at least she had originally declined the offer of aubrey driving her home which sabrina hoped aubrey would take her up on considering she did not like hailey at all but instead she had insisted considering it was the one day a week hailey's mom couldn't pick her up. which is why sabrina was currently sat in the passenger seat instead of the backseat with her friend while her sister looked at her like she'd sprouted an extra head. "why are you asking?" aubrey asked when she realised hailey didn't have the capacity to even begin to answer that question.

sabrina shook her head at her slightly, she didn't want yet another argument with hailey in the backseat and in reality she really had nothing to back her thoughts up. a text and a look of fear that could've meant anything, not that the brunette's missing best friend had rocked back up again. "i mean, maybe?" aubrey turned onto hailey's street, giving sabrina another quizzical look. "i'd prefer a yes or no," sabrina sighed. "do you think she is?" hailey has obviously decided to drop her plans of pretending sabrina wasn't even in the car. "i don't know." aubrey pulled up outside hailey's house, shooting her a false smile. "thanks for the ride," hailey smiled back at her before letting herself out of the car.

"that was the most awkward car ride of my life," aubrey said almost the second hailey had shut the car door behind her. "don't get me started," sabrina sighed, aubrey pulling back out onto the road. "what's with the sudden interest in alison?" aubrey asked. "i mean, obviously something happened." originally, sabrina had planned on waiting until hailey was out of the car before asking aubrey that question but she had lost all control of her mouth when she blurted it out, her racing mind getting the best of her. "i was talking to spencer earlier and she got this text and she just looked so spooked, alison was the first person that popped into my mind."

"you were talking to spencer hastings?" aubrey had obviously picked up on the wrong part of sabrina's words, the blonde groaning in response to her. "is that why the car was so silent?" she was wrong for once, hailey didn't know that sabrina had spoken with spencer after their little argument and she was planning on keeping it that way. "no, that's because i gave hanna marin a spare pen!" sabrina scoffed as she said it at the immaturity of it all. "you have got to get away from that girl," aubrey shook her head. "and i think you're overthinking, she could be getting texts from anyone and it's none of your business."

she eyed sabrina up curiously, the blonde waiting for whatever was going to come next. "are you worried about her?" she asked finally. "no," sabrina shook her head even though she knew it was a lie. she didn't know why it was such a big deal in the first place, she could be worried about spencer without it meaning anything. aubrey smiled at her knowingly before turning her attention back to the road. "what were you talking to spencer about anyways?" sabrina wondered if she jumped from the car at that very moment how badly injured she would actually be. "seriously?" she asked, aubrey grinning at her. "she kinda overheard me loudly declaring that i disliked her and then i felt bad for some reason."

"i think she knows a lot of people dislike her," aubrey scoffed. "you're not usually the type of person who vocalises her dislikes though." sabrina had often been told she was too much of a people pleaser, she let people walk all over her and it was her major flaw. she didn't see it that way, she stood up for herself when needed but she felt that constant negativity weighed her down more than it seemed to with others so she just let it go most of the time. "i don't dislike her, i just wanted hailey to shut up about them." she knew that by talking about her issues with hailey it would give aubrey a lot more ammunition towards hating her but she literally had no one else to talk to about this and it was starting to irritate her more than she had planned.

"she talks about them all of the time and at first it was fine because obviously i'm not alison's biggest fan but it's getting so tiring," sabrina sighed. "it's been a whole year and it would be different if spencer, hanna or emily had picked up where alison left off but they didn't and aria wasn't even around." aubrey nodded, sabrina could tell she was biting back a triumphant smile. "what else does she have to talk about?" aubrey shrugged. "all i've ever heard her talk about is how she hates rosewood high and how she hates everyone around her." hailey didn't even have to attend rosewood high, her mom taught english at a school in the next town over and it was her first choice for hailey. but of course hailey didn't want to attend a school one of her parents were teaching at and every year her mom offered to remove her from rosewood and every year she declined.

"i mean, obviously i held a little bit of resentment towards them because they could've tried to stop her," sabrina shrugged. "but also i get why they didn't say anything, it was easier to not be on her bad side." aubrey pulled onto their road. "that girl is not coming back," she shrugged. "you all just need to move on and if she doesn't want to, then maybe you should just let go." she parked outside, turning to face sabrina. "i mean you could still be friends with her but maybe you're just at two very different points," she sighed. "it's never going to work when all of your conversations end in arguments." sabrina felt her stomach twisting into knots, for once aubrey was right and she hated it.

"are you coming in?" she asked, trying to switch the subject. aubrey's eyes flickered to the house and sabrina. "no," she shook her head. "i do not need any of that tonight." sabrina laughed a little. "lucky you," she said. "all i get is mom's judgement, if i mentioned the name spencer or alison in there she'd literally lock me into my room." the porch light flicked on and sabrina groaned. "i should go," she grabbed her bag, aubrey nodding. "hey, you know it's ok if you like spencer, right?" aubrey asked. "this whole thing is starting to get so ridiculous but i don't care who you befriend." sabrina scoffed. "you care about me and hailey."

"that's different," aubrey waved her off. "and also if you're trying to convince her that you don't like any of those girls, maybe stop going all moony eyed whenever you talk about one of them." she winked at sabrina, the girl spluttering in disbelief. "what the fuck brie?" she whacked her shoulder lightly. "i am not doing this with you!" she opened the passenger door and clambered out, ignoring aubrey's jokes. "goodbye!" she shut the door with force and moved towards her house. she knew aubrey was probably joking so she didn't know why her heart was pounding so fast. the only thing she did know was that she had to get spencer hastings out of her head before her thoughts drove her insane.

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