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"what is this?" sabrina flipped over the envelope mona vanderwaal had handed to her. she didn't know what exactly the girl wanted but they had never really spoken before, it seemed a little weird and out of character for mona to be approaching her at her locker like they were lifelong friends. "you're my bestie's friend," she said with a smile that sabrina could read immediately as fake. hailey brushed past both of them on her way to her own locker at the end of the hall, shooting a small smile towards sabrina as she passed. "so you get an invite," mona finished, pulling sabrina's attention back.

sabrina frowned at her and slipped the invite out of the envelope. "i'm not really hanna's friend," sabrina said, glancing down at the invite. "or a camping person." mona's smile became slightly strained. "don't be silly!" she said. "of course you're friends and it's glamping not camping!" sabrina sighed. "yeah ok," she said. "i might be able to go." she had no intentions of going, spending her spare time glamping with mona vanderwaal or spencer and her friends sounded like her personal idea of hell.

"great, see you there!" mona practically skipped away from her, sabrina wondered how much energy it took to keep that peppy act going because it sure as hell wasn't real. she also wondered what mona actually thought of hanna becoming friends with the other girls because she really didn't think it was all too positive.

sabrina pulled open her locker just as spencer rounded the corner and inwardly cursed whoever had given them lockers right next to each other. sabrina moved over a little as she grabbed her english and math textbooks and shut her locker behind her. "are we not going to talk about this?" spencer asked quietly, glancing towards the girl. sabrina clenched her jaw, shoving her books into her bag. "what is there to talk about?" she shrugged before she turned and walked away from the girl.

"spencer hastings, aria montgomery, emily fields, hanna marin, please come to the office."

sabrina resisted the urge to spin back to face the brunette and continued down the hall. "hey at least you haven't been grouped in with them when it comes to office calls," hailey appeared next to her, struggling to carry her textbooks. "yeah it helps that i wasn't friends with the murdered girl," sabrina quipped. "why are you carrying the entire contents of your locker around?" hailey let out an exasperated sigh. "i'm behind in some of my classes so i've got tutoring at lunch but not enough time to grab the books i need so this is the solution."

"when have you ever cared about falling behind in classes?" sabrina raised a brow. "since apparently my failing grades won't get me out of this hellhole," hailey replied. "valid," sabrina grinned at her. "not getting out of here is a pretty terrifying thought." hailey nodded. "what was going on with mona earlier?" she asked. "are you two forming a discarded friends club?" she winced at her own words. "sorry." sabrina brushed it off almost immediately, mostly because the discarded part for her had been true. she didn't know how mona felt about the entire thing. "no she invited me to her stupid glamping thing," sabrina replied. "apparently news does not travel as fast as i thought it did around here."

"you should definitely go," hailey snorted. "they don't want you there, mona definitely doesn't want you there, it would be perfect timing to make them miserable." sabrina didn't exactly want to be petty about the entire situation but maybe hailey was right for once, maybe being petty and making spencer's day a little more miserable couldn't hurt. maybe it would be the thing that helped sabrina get over her. "i was joking," hailey studied sabrina's face. "you're usually the one talking me out of scheming." sabrina shrugged. "maybe showing up wouldn't be such a bad idea," she said. "i mean it's pretty hellish to be surrounded by them right now but they wouldn't be expecting me there, it would completely ruin their fun."

"ok, no," hailey shook her head. "i can't believe you're making me be the responsible one but you can't stoop to their level." sabrina knew the next sentence that tumbled from her mouth was probably an incredibly bad idea. "what if you came with me?" she hadn't really stopped to think about it and maybe she could just deal with the consequences of it after mona's glamping party. "what?" hailey laughed. "no way, i'm supposed to be not hateful or petty anymore, remember that conversation where we talked about how i don't want to be like them?" sabrina tilted her head. "does it really count if you're not the one being hateful or petty?"

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