Who is she ?

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The day was July 11th 2022
Rey Myserio along side his son Dominik was stood in the ring, the two seemingly being the first ever father son tag team in the history of WWE. However two people that had been causing the family trouble stood with expressions of confidence and almost mockingly, however while all eyes seemed to be on the two people failed to notice one person in particular. . It was slightly sad however it worked in her and the others favour Valentina the "heart breaker" stood off to the side watching intensely as the judgment day held out their hand to Dominik offering him a place . . Her expression was blank as she held a heart shaped lolipop in her hand watching closely before a pair of eyes met hers .

She looked into the eyes of her childhood best friend Dom as he almost was searching for her answer however before she could give a hint her eyes met someone else's by the name of Damian Preist before his laugh echoed through the mic into the Arena before his voice spoke "it seems Dominik isn't searching for his daddy . . Maybe he's searching for his heartbeat" her eyes widen as Damien Preist tuned to her as peoples expressions turned shocked as they saw her in the crowd as she was sucking on her lollipop with a almost flirty expression as he beckoned her over.
She could hear Dominik and Rey telling her not to once she Took her first step. Her black boots clicking against the floor as the two other males chuckled "is this the hidden jewel from the Mysterio family ? Now we know it's not A rumour she was trained by you guys was it ? " the two Myserios looked almost furious however their expressions changed once the girl stepped into the ring.

She stood with her head held high next to Dominik as he placed a arm on her shoulder once she popped her lolipop back into her mouth with a fed up expression. The two devils from the judgement day looked before Damien spoke yet again "why don't I make this nice. . . How about the pretty one comes with us ? Then maybe you will join ? " the words were spoke before Finn snatched Valentina out of Domaniks way before he was out of the ring with her as the Two Myserios yelled in protests however the last thing she heard was the voice of the youngest one "YOU LEAVE VAL OUT OF THIS ? YOU HAVE BEEF WITH THR MYSERIOS NOT HER"

She's back again
29th July 2022

The judgment day we're currently in the ring Rhea Ripley , Damien Preist and Finn Balor were calling out for Edge their voices antagonising the older man threatening him with those sly smiles on their faces. They knew what to do to make Edge come out and face them and that's what they got, as Edge walked out the crowd erupted into cheers for the legendary man as he walked towards the ring full with confidence holding a mic in his hands he held the mic before he addressed Rhea Ripley personally "And Rhea you best keep your hands to your self before you find out why she's called the glamazon" Rhea laughed and said she's ready as Edge just shook his head before he began to speak again, the older man seemed to be trying to keep all their attention on him.

Edge walked up onto the side of the ring before leaning against it and speaking Because I didn't come here alone" the judgement day 3 were about to turn around however it was to late, stood behind them was the trio many might have saw coming but would think of it as never happening Rey Myserio, Dominik Myserio And . . The heart breaker Valentina as they all hit the judgment day 3 with long wooden sticks. Valentina's seemed to be aimed for Rhea Ripley as she got a really good hit on the taller however before Val knew it Rhea was gone . .

Never the less she joined Dominik In fighting Damien, she watched as the older guy threw her friend into the side of the ring as her clam pretty expression Turned into one of anger as she without him noticing ran towards the buff man and delivered a seemingly painful back flip kick to his chest as Edge seemed to come to finish Damien off. Val and and Domaniki were stood side by side with their sticks in hand however they failed to notice someone behind them. Valentina quickly pushed Dominik away from Rhea Ripley as they held their sticks out toward her. She held a expression of laughter as the conflict was held in both of the young wrestlers eyes looking towards each-other seemingly scared or confused on what to do.

Rhea was telling Dominik to place his stick down simingly ignoring her as she stood tall Vals eyes burned into Rhea Ripleys she walked towards them as Val striked swinging her stick at Rhea as she just about dodged it. Val was pushed behind her older best friend Dominik to protect her however it seemed the two were walking around the ring in sync as they knew what would happen if they dared to attack The taller woman Rhea. Dominik was starting to lower his stick like Rhea was making him before she took it, Rhea quickly moved her eyes to Val before walking over towards the slightly shorter girl before the two were almost face to face, however it seemed Valentinas fight was gone, Val looked up at Rhea as she spoke "be a good girl and place the stick down . . Your little buddy did so follow along" as those words were spoke Valentina lowers her stick letting Rhea gently take it from her grasp before Vals hand was snatched by Reys as him and Edge seemed to now be back.

Rhea held her own Against the four as she yelled at them to come at her, she even dared them however she was quickly snatched out of the ring by her other two partners before being carried away. Valentina looked toward the two males with a expression of frustration? Why was Valentina feeling this way ? However no one would know as the girl stormed out of the ring leaving the boys behind with Questions.


Second chapter doneee ! I hope you enjoy and hopefully the juciy parts will come soon !
~bye my loves from Cheshire

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