The joining

242 15 2

September 6th 2022

Edge had just yelled for dominik to come out and as silence echoed throughout the stadium before the sounding of static and then a slightly creepy bells started at the stadium went into cheers as the now known prodigy of the mysterios stepped out as the heart breaker Valentina walked out with her long black hair in two pigtails with a red bow and her black piercing in her lip. She walked towards the ring with her hands behind her back not faltering from edges pissed off expression as she climbed into the ring with a soft smile. Rey hugged her gently as he then turned to edge and spoke  into the microphone.
"You may not accept an apology from doms father however . . . Accept one from your student , from someone you know cares for you and rey and dom."
her slight Korean accent that was faded in her tone echoes as edge looked conflicted before the turned again and demanded domanik to come out. Valentina sighed softly as rey placed a hand on the girls shoulder for comfort. 

However what played next wasn't what they were expecting as edges face hardens along with valentinas as she stepped forward seeing Rhea Ripley walk out with a microphone of her own and her normal sly grin on her black lips. However when she began to speak however the more she spoke the more Valentina got angry however as soon as Val heard her own name she froze.
"And Valentina. You thought you would be always at his side however , I made him realise . . My side is better"

Valentina ran towards the ropes ready to jump over however edge quickly grabbed her and kept her in the air as Valentina was shouting as Rhea continued to speak until dominik walked out. That seemed to clam Val as she was placed down and looking at them with a hurt expression on her face seeing her best friend so . . Different with his all black and slicked back hair . . She wanted to scream which was very obvious to anyone.

"Dom. Dominik snap out of it man. Snap out of it son. You still have time. Make amends with edge make things right."

Reys voice was pleading as val stepped forward before going to take the mic but stepping back. She had a look of betrayal on her beautiful face as dom didn't even look at her once. As Rhea began to speak it seemed like val didn't hear a second of it as she was almost begging for dom to look at her. As Rhea and dom began to walk towards them edge and rey stepped in front of val as she glared at them harshly and pushed them away. And so rey stepped out of the ring however val stayed inside of it next to edge.

Watching dom refuse to look at edge made her angry as he jumped out of the ring and walked towards dom standing infront of him as he stood silently. Looking at him with a cold glare. She then spoke.
"Dom dom . . You . . "
However her words couldn't come out as Rhea chuckled . . Val then walked back into the ring silently as edge looked ready for a fight as Rhea and dom walked slowly towards them val stood silently looking down as she was clenching her fists tightly. However she snapped out of it as balor and priest began to attack edge as he jumped she quickly scorpion kicked Finn balor in the face as she began to fight as they both corner edge. However she was pushed back as dom went down low with a chop block to the knee. However she stood leaning on the ropes simply watching before Damien priest looks at her. She quickly stands up straight as she yelled.
"I dare you ! Come on  ! Hit me ! Break me! "

Damien smirks slightly and goes back to beating edge with Finn as she stares with a look of conflict on if she should get involved. . . She slowly makes her way to the middle of the ropes . . . And in a flash she jumps up on top of them and is in the air and jumps on both priest and balor sending them to the floor as she rolls of them both with a small huff of breath. However as she looks over she sees Rey getting hit by dom and Rhea. . . Val sighs before she stays in the corner before she decides to watch and see what happens . . However as they pass Damien a chair she sees fin get  on the top rope . She quickly runs and stands between the corner were fin is and edge as she looks angrily up at him. However she was attacked from behind by priest who kicks her away as edges yell was heard loudly  she lays on the floor until she sees a hand down at her . . . It's Dominiks . . She looks up at his hand as he nodded his head at her as she hesitated before placing her hand in his . . . A small smirk on her lips as dom spins her slightly as he laughs and so do the rest of judgement day . . As they slowly walk out the ring edges voice is heard as he was in pain.
"V-Val .  You -You don't you dare ! "
Valentina looks back at him before looking away as she slides out the ring with them.
Rhea smirks along with the rest of them as Valentina walks along with the judgement day hearing the boos of the crowd.


Wow ! That's it ! Val and dom are now in the judgement day ! I hope you guys liked it and please vote and comment !
~ Cheshire

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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