SIX. a drunk thing to do

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RORY'S FRIENDS versus Belly's friends were heavily drastic

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RORY'S FRIENDS versus Belly's friends were heavily drastic.

Belly was friends with Moon, Yasmin, Sam, whoever. You know, the fifty-eight percent. The popular crowd.

While Rory's friends were practicing karate on each other at the park during lunch. And while Hawk and Bert began to spare with each other, Aisha, Miguel, Rory, and Demetri sat on a nearby bench as Miguel sulked about Sam, his girlfriend at this point, having another boy over.

"Come on, eat something. It'll make you feel better." Demetri said.

"He's sadly right." Rory added.

"I told you I'm not hungry, man." Miguel pouted.

Demetri spoke, "I still think you're overreacting."

"Yeah, Sam seems like a nice girl. She's friends with my sister and Belle hasn't said anything negative about her." Rory said.

"I'm not overreacting, dude." Miguel sighed, "I know what I saw."

"All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode." Hawk said, after kicking Bert down to the ground, "It's probably her brother or something."

"No, dude. Brothers don't look at their sisters like that."

"Depends what part of the country you're in." Demetri said.

"You're not helping." Rory quipped, "That's probably the dumbest shit you've said this week."

"This week?" Demetri questioned, "I'll have you know that I—"

"Look, I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me." Miguel cut.

In this case, apparently Johnny had his girl stolen from him from the guy who kicked his ass at All Valley years ago.

"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance." Hawk suggested.

"That's also stupid." Rory said, "Just talk to Sam. It's the best way to go about things especially if you're not eating over it."

✓ delicate ミ robby keene [COMPLETED UNTIL PART TWO]Where stories live. Discover now