The Unholy Man

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Author Note: Hello my babes!

It has been a while since I have updated this story. I had mentioned before that these beginning parts will be difficult for me to write. I have to be in a specific mood to write angst. I regret the story moving this way already 🤣 too late now though!

Please enjoy this mini chapter.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Naruto came to with a pounding headache and his throat dry. He tried to blink away the darkness, but eventually, he realized it wasn't his eyes that were the problem. The whole place was dimly lit, the only sources of light being the faint glow of light in the corner of the room, close to where he assumed was a door and the ceiling. He tried to peer into the darkness, only being able to make out the shape of a single light bulb hanging from a frayed wire.

Why couldn't he move?

Where the fuck was he?

The place felt eerily silent except for the occasional drip of water from the pipes, and the concrete floor he had been sitting on felt damp and sticky. The mustiness in the air assaulted his nostrils, the faint odor of decay not making it any more pleasant.

What - was going on? Fuck he was thirsty.

He heard a low chuckle that sent chills down his spine. He knew that particular rumble.

There was no fucking way. He was in prison. It was impossible -

He felt like throwing up.

The faint light's glow increased, and his vision cleared more. That's when he finally saw the figure sitting on a steel chair. In all his unholy glory.


He looked older and was still wearing his prison uniform. Wrinkles around his dead eyes and strands of white hair dusted in, but he looked bulkier. Prison obviously put him in better shape than ever.

"About time. I've been waiting for you to wake up." His voice was still gravelly and chilling. Almost dead like everything he touched. "I thought about this moment for a long time. I've been planning for it for even longer."

Naruto tried to speak, but his throat was so damn dry, he didn't think he'd be able to let a sound out if he even tried.

Rasa shined a blade with a cloth, his hands were filled with scars, "It's not my favorite blade. You both got that one taken away from me." He scowled at Naruto. Looked at him like he was the most disgusting being on this planet.

Gaara, Naruto thought.

Where was Gaara?

Gaara wasn't there. Naruto would've breathed a sigh of relief if he could breathe.

"Who would've known out of the two of you, you would be easier to catch," Rasa smirked. "I would think the famous Uchiha would care more. They probably think you're as despicable as I do."

"You must feel so proud. Marrying into that pathetic family." He snarled, "Maybe even happy? After all I taught you. You still want to be happy?! Happiness does not exist. It's disgusting."

Rasa sighed disappointedly, "I'm going to have to remind you. Teach you again. If I can't find Gaara, then you will have to do, I suppose. You can take the extra punishment for him."

He put the blade to the side and lit up a cigarette, "In about 45 minutes, the incompetent guards will see I escaped. I wonder how long it will take for the news to break."

Naruto tried to speak through his raspy throat, "Where - are we?" Fuck that hurt. He tried to get a better view of the room. He was able to make out the faint outlines of old furniture covered in cobwebs, and several cardboard boxes piled up in the corners, some of them appeared torn, like they had been ripped open and rummaged through.

"Miles and miles away. The government might have seized most of my properties when I got arrested, but I was able to keep a few hidden," he took a hit of his cigarette and blew it toward Naruto, "Your Uchiha won't be able to find you here."

"What - will you -" Naruto coughed.

"What will I do to you?" Rasa laughed, "I'm going to make you hurt. Reopen every wound. Break you down. And then, if you're lucky, I'll kill you."

Naruto heard some creaking coming from upstairs as someone walked around.

"Looks like they're back from getting supplies," Rasa stood. "Hopefully, they keep being useful, or I'll slit their throats too."

He started walking up the stairs, "The drug will wear off soon. I'll have them bring you food and water. I need you well-fed for what I'm going to do to you." The door slammed shut, followed by the sound of some locks.

Naruto tried to fight off the hazy feeling of the drug taking over, but it was no use, and eventually, he fell unconscious once again.

What is... Love? Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now