Malewife (M-My sandwich!)

106 3 13

Tj Bell x Craig Mabbitt (Prompt/Art credit to gerardwayskid thank you for the amazing art Ry🤗)

Tj sighed heavily, checking his wristwatch. How was it already about to be 7pm? He was supposed to be home an hour ago.

First, he woke up 30 minutes late, then he hit morning traffic, then his coworkers were being complete assholes because the coffee was out, then the customers just seemed specifically pissy, then there was an accident on the freeway on his way back home. Seriously, could this day get any worse?

Well, at least he was finally off of the freeway. That meant only like 10 minutes back home.

And those happened to be about the worst 10 minutes of Tj's life.

He parked his car in the driveway, And he parked crooked. He could really use some Jack. Maybe a punching bag.

He walked into his house, dropping his bag at the door and taking off his shoes to put on his house shoes. Something smelled good. The aroma filled the house. Headache inducing.

Tj walked to the kitchen, where the smell was coming from. And there stood his lovely husband, Craig. He was cooking. But Tj didn't care what it was.

Craig turned around and smiled widely at the sight of his husband. He went up to hug him. "Hey, hon' how was w—"

And before Craig could even finish his sentence, a hand wrapped around his neck, and he was brought into a rough kiss. He set his hands against Tj's chest but did not make an effort to push him away. He was shoved against the counter, Tj's free hand grabbing his thighs to lift him onto the surface.

"T-Tj, wait-" Craig mumbled through gasps for air. Since when was he this strong?

Tj let go, walking away just a bit. "Sorry, I-" He sighed. "I haven't... had the best day."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, hon'." Craig looked around contemplating his decisions. "Come here," he opened his arms with a smile.

Tj hugged him around his waist, starting to gently leave bites and hickeys on his neck. And as time progressed, he only became rougher. His hands slipped into the waistband of Craig's sweatpants and palmed him through his underwear.

"I want to fuck you so bad, Craig.." Tj whispered softly into Craig's ear. "I want to fill you up with my cock and have you scream for me."

"Tj..." Craig whimpered softly, grabbing Tj's hand and pressing it harder against himself.

"Tell me you want me the way I want you," Tj said, slowly letting his hand wander into Craig's underwear.

"I.. I want you.. in me, please.." Craig shivered as he felt Tj's fingers press up to his entrance.

"Since you asked so nicely..." Tj swiftly positioned Craig so he was bending over the counter. He pulled down Craig's pants and underwear and let them fall to his ankles. The boy's face turned red with embarrassment.

Tj then pulled down his own pants and underwear just enough to expose himself. He spit onto his hand and gave himself a few strokes before lining up with Craig's entrance.

"Are you ready, slut?"

Craig whimpered, simply nodding his head.

"I want to hear it come out of your mouth." Tj smirked sickly.

"I-I'm ready." Craig said, glancing over his shoulder at Tj, who began to sink himself into Craig.

Craig tensed, trying his hardest to stifle a moan. Tj laced a hand into his hair, tugging ever so slightly. "Make all the noises you need to, babe, I want to hear how good I make you feel." He was almost all the way inside before slamming into Craig with all his might. Craig arched, eyes blown wide in surprise.

"F-Fuck, Tj," Craig moaned, black nails scratching against the marble countertop. "You're so big.. I-I feel so full.."

Tj held Craig's hip with one hand, using it for control as he slammed into Craig with no mercy.

"You're so tight," Tj mumbled, tugging more on Craig's hair. "I could fuck you like this forever.."

Craig rocked his hips back in a perfectly rhythmic fashion with Tj, making each thrust deeper. And he could not stop shaking. Tj knew exactly what to do to make him feel good. He angled his hips to try and find Craig's prostate, which did not take long at all. Craig's knees buckled and all of his weight shifted onto the countertop, his hips shook severely, moving in whatever direction it took for Tj to be as deep as possible; and the way he moaned made Tj feel accomplished.

"F-Faster, please- I need you," Craig panted heavily. "I need all of you-"

Tj nodded, increasing the pace and roughness at which he slammed into Craig, who came completely undone beneath him, letting out choked keens and whines.

He wrapped his hand around Craig's neck once again. It was somehow like a sense of relief. His punching bag without actually inflicting harm, but inflicting pleasure instead. It was all satisfying in different ways to say the least.

"Fuck, Craig." Tj groaned. "I'm gonna blow my load inside.. How close are you?" His hold on both Craig's hip and neck tightened as he grew closer to his limit.

"I—close-" Craig choked out. His hand grabbed at the one around his neck, trying to loosen the grip even a little. "T—"

Tj took his hand off of Craig's hip and began to stroke his cock and Craig broke. He could no longer tell whether he was trying to thrust into Tj's hand or back into his hips or struggle out of the grip that had his vision going slightly black. But it honestly didn't really matter. He was so close, he could feel his stomach tightening.

"T— I'm- cum-ming—!" Craig gasped out, squeezing Tj's fingers. His entire body tensed and his mouth hung open, his eyes squeezing shut. And he came hard, his chest and shoulders heaving as he panted heavily.

And Tj came soon after with a groan, squeezing Craig's neck impossibly harder. He thrusted a few more times before slowing and eventually stopping. And he let go of Craig's neck.

Craig propped himself up on his elbows, despite his weak and shaky state. Tj picked him up bridal style and took him to the bathroom.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry- I-" Tj began, but was quickly cut off.

"Don't apologize," Craig said, his voice raspy. "It was good. It felt really good.. D-Do you feel better?"

Tj smiled softly, giving Craig a gentle kiss.

"I do feel better, you're amazing, babe." He chuckled. "Do you feel good enough to shower?"

"Only if it's with you," Craig nuzzled into Tj's neck lovingly. Lord, this guy could him make him feel better through anything.

Even if Tj had to choke him for it. (Laugh at this pls)

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