The Diamond Eyed Boy (Def Universe Russia)

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Russia's POV

I had my 5th birthday a few months ago. It wasn't special if I must say. It's just me, Mama, Papa, and my twin brothers who celebrated it.

"Rossiya! Do you know where's the car key?"

"I saw it on the table in the living room, Pa."

Right, Papa has been busy since last month. He only comes back home at least once a week, and it's only for a short time, before going back to his workplace again. I remember he once promised to bring me to his workplace and see him work.

While Papa at work, Mama took care of me and my twin brothers. She always looks exhausted but her energy says otherwise. Mama told me that I'm a good kid because I never cried nor make troubles. She said I helped her a lot.

She sometimes gives the caretaking duty for my twin brothers to me, while she goes out to buy groceries or doing some chores I can't do. I'm fine with it, I love spending time with my brothers anyway.

"Rossija, can you buy two cartons of milk? You can use the change to buy some snack."

"Da, Ma."

Ah, it's October now. It's pretty cold so I wore the scarf Papa bought for me on my 5th birthday. I walked on the sidewalk while remembering what should I buy.

'Two cartons of milk... Two cartons of milk...'

After I give the money to the cashier, I walked back home while enjoying the chilly weather and the setting sun. There are some kids who are still playing soccer even though it's getting dark. I guess they really have the guts to play until dark even though it's already October. I heard ghosts are roaming around in this month.

One thing I never expected to happen is that there's a little boy with glowing turquoise eyes standing right in front of my home. It's as if he's waiting for me to come back, but judging by his face he looks like he just got kicked out of the house... Somehow.

I approached him slowly and spoke, "Are you lost?"

I could see he got a little startled by my presence and his eyes- ....Oh, he has a very nice pair of blue diamond eyes. For a second, I thought he was either an angel sent to me or just a ghost who's roaming in October.

I saw him looking at the plastic bag I'm currently carrying and then looked back at me with such a cute sad face, "Candy?" I felt something in me, it's the same feeling when I look at my twin little brothers, but I forgot what was it called.

Before I knew it, I already gave him one of the candies and watched him happily eating it. His munching face looks a lot like the rabbit I saw the other day in the pet store.

"Do you know what your home looks like? Maybe I can help you find it," I said. The little boy looks up to the pinkish sky. He seemed to struggle remembering how his home looks like. Maybe I shouldn't asked him and just offer him to stay at my home for a night and we can look it up tomorrow morning. It's getting darker anyway.

Just when I'm about to offer it, he suddenly spoke while he spread his arms, "Big big home, big big black fence, big big dog, and big big yahd!" I widened my eyes at how interesting he is at describing it. A big house with black fence and spacious yard, and an adult dog....

"....Oh," I guess I saw it a few days ago while buying groceries with Papa.

I looked back at the diamond eyed boy, "I think I know it, but it'll be a little far from here." His round eyes blinked and then he asked me, "You can back me home?" 'What a cute reply,' was what I thought.

"Da, wait here first." I fast walked to the terrace and put the plastic bag of milks and a candy on the table there. I also saw a glimpse of Papa who is already inside and is somehow cleaning up the messy house. It's as if an elephant barged into our house and destroyed everything inside.

After that, I quickly came back to the diamond eyed boy as I took off my red scarf. I stood behind him and wrapped my scarf around his neck carefully, then tied it up in a ribbon shape. As he turned to face me, the scarf really fits him and his eyes.

"Let's go, it's getting dark." I offered my hand for him to hold so he won't get lost. Then, we walked along the path towards his house.

Wassup people, this is just a book for headcannons dump. No, this is actually my very first book (Changed the title from "A Fricking Book" to "Rini's Headcannons") and most of the old stuff is unpublished except for the Greetings part.

Btw, yea this is a sequel of that one chapter in Pretending Stupid ;)
Since Russia's behavior is pretty much unreadable to the readers (some of those who are following my comics in Instagram are kinda confused about him as well lol), I decided to make some sequels where the chapter happened but in Russia's POV. This way we can understand how both parties sees each other and also to know Russia's real personality.

I mean, it's not fair for Ame to have his true personality revealed while Rus' didn't, right? Heheh

FudanForeva (aka Rini/Radith)

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