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📍london, uk


"WHY, hello." Cecelia says into the microphone making the audience cheer. "How lovely it is to be here! Now, let me introduce you to Turning Jane!"

Everyone cheers and Cecelia chuckles. "On drums, we have the lovely Nick Harrison, on bass we have the incredible Oliver Michaels, on electric guitar we have Marina O'Donnel, on keys we have Juliet King and on voice, we have me, Cecelia Faye."

People scream and cheer at the mentions of everyone's names. Then they take the time to read signs and answer questions. "This says, 'I skipped my formal for this'." Marina reads a sign.

"A formal?" Nick asks as he gets up off his stool and looks at the sign. "Now, why would you skip formal for this?"

"Because I love you!" The girl screams.

"Sorry?" Nick asks as he takes his earpiece out. The girl repeats herself. "Because you love me?"


"Alright Oli, you've been replaced!" Nick states. People cheer and Oli throws his arms up in the air.

"Oi! You can't do this to me!" Oliver states. Cece laughs and then spots another sign.

"If Cece is dating Jacob Elordi, play you belong with me." She reads.

"Should we just play it now or wait till later?" Juliet asks. People scream and Cecelia hides her face in her hands.

She looks up and laughs before looking into the wings to see Jacob laughing too.

"Wait, when are we playing it?" Oliver asks.



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liked by tchalamet and 2,637,074 others

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liked by tchalamet and 2,637,074 others

cecefaye I saw the snow again ☃️

tagged ; marinaod

📍copenhagen, denmark


user pov: Jacob took the photos


user I wanna eat snow

user girl, u cute

user so she can sing AND snowboard?

jacobelordi don't eat the yellow snow
cecefaye^ I won't :)

user she's so adorable

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