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tw: illness

Y/n had always been a healthy person. She loved to exercise, eat healthily, and take care of herself. So when she got sick, it was a shock to everyone around her.

She had been in the hospital for a month now, and every day seemed to drag on longer than the last. The only thing that kept her going was the thought of seeing Lee Felix, her best friend and crush, who visited her every day.

Felix was always so sweet to her. He would bring her her favorite snacks and games to play, and they would talk for hours about anything and everything. It was the highlight of her day, and she looked forward to it with all her heart.

But one day, Felix didn't show up. Y/n was confused and worried. Had something happened to him? Was he okay?

As the days passed, y/n's condition worsened. She was getting sicker, and her spirits were low. She missed Felix and wished he would come back.

Finally, after a month of waiting, Felix showed up again. He looked different, more grown-up somehow, and y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Had he been busy with someone else?

Felix must have sensed her thoughts because he immediately rushed over to her bed and took her hand. "I'm so sorry I haven't been here," he said. "I've been busy with my debut with my Kpop group. But I promise, I'll make it up to you."

Y/n smiled weakly at him, feeling a mix of relief and happiness. "It's okay," she said. "I'm just glad you're back."

Felix sat down next to her bed, and they talked for hours like they used to. He told her all about his debut and how excited he was to be an idol. And y/n listened, feeling proud and happy for him.

As they talked, y/n couldn't help but notice how much Felix had grown. He seemed more confident and self-assured, and she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by him.

But then he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, y/n. I'll still be here for you no matter what. We'll have all the fun we talked about when you're healthy again."

Y/n smiled at him, feeling her heart fill with warmth. She knew she had nothing to worry about with Felix by her side. They would get through this together, no matter what.

Over the next few days, Lee Felix comes to visit Y/n every day after his rehearsals and performances. They spend hours talking and laughing, making up for the time they missed. Felix tells Y/n about all of the fun things they will do together once she's out of the hospital. They make plans to go to the amusement park, have a picnic in the park, and visit the beach.

As time passes, Y/n begins to feel better and her condition improves. She's able to sit up and move around more easily, and the doctors say that she'll be able to leave the hospital soon. Felix is thrilled to hear this and he can't wait to take her out and do all of the things they talked about.

On the day that Y/n is set to be discharged, Felix shows up at the hospital with a big bouquet of flowers and a huge smile on his face. He helps Y/n pack up her things and carries her bags to the car. As they drive away from the hospital, Y/n can hardly contain her excitement.

Over the next few weeks, Felix and Y/n do all of the things they talked about while she was in the hospital. They go to the amusement park and ride all of the roller coasters, have a picnic in the park and watch the sunset, and even take a trip to the beach where they build sandcastles and swim in the ocean.

As they spend more time together, Y/n realizes that she has developed strong feelings for Felix. She tries to ignore them at first, thinking that they can't be together because they are both idols and their schedules are too hectic. But as they continue to spend time together, it becomes harder and harder to resist her feelings.

One night, as they are sitting on the beach watching the stars, Felix turns to Y/n and confesses his love for her. He tells her that he's been in love with her for a long time and that he wants to be with her. Y/n is overjoyed and she confesses her feelings as well.

From that moment on, Felix and Y/n are inseparable. They continue to work hard as idols, but they always make time for each other. They go on dates, take trips together, and make memories that they will cherish forever. And as they stand on stage together, performing for their fans, they know that they are lucky to have each other by their side.

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