tears gathered in Y/n's eyes as she looked through the pictures on principal Himbry's desk. they were all of her.
'school will be closed for the foreseeable future and there will also be a curfew. Y/n, I'm afraid I can't do much about these pictures, I'll hand them in to the police and see if they find anything. try not to be home alone- there's safety in numbers.' he sighed, rubbing his temples. 'you girls get going outside, avoid the traffic.'
Y/n and Sidney stood by the fountain, hands intertwined and eyes darting around. both of them were extremely paranoid, and they couldn't spot Tatum anywhere in the masses which flooded out of the building.
just as the girls were about to give up and go, a tall figure approached them from behind and threw his arms over their shoulders. Y/n almsot screamed, whereas Sidney clutched her chest. the guy felt the shivers that ran down their spines and giggled. it gave him away.
'its just me, relax ladies!' Stu laughed, pushing them lightly to start walking. 'Tate's gonna meet us in a sec, but until then! I want to thank the two of you on behalf of the entire student body for cutting school short! you two are saviours!' he laughed, raising his voice a little. he caught the attention of some of the people, a few of which shouted 'thank yous' at the two.
Stu plucked two dandelions ('they're not weeds! they're underdog flowers!') from the grass and handed them to the girls, grinning widely as he began to rant again. 'I'm gonna have a little party at my place tomorrow, for Halloween! and to honour you two lovely ladies.'
'you sure about having a party with all the stuff going on right now?'
'yeah, yeah! it'll be fun, small- as long as Tate doesn't run her mouth. intimate gathering, intimate friends..' he trailed off, spinning around a little to stand in front of the girls
Y/n looked at Sidney and shrugged. 'I'll go if you go- principal Himbry did say there's safety in numbers, and we can go home at curfew.' she said, smiling at the overjoyed Stu.
'I dont know... doesn't sound like a good idea.' Sidney sighed, turning from Stu's disgruntled and burning gaze.
'c'mon, for me? it'll be great.'
'yeah.. ok. but home at curfew.' Sidney reluctantly agreed.
Stu nodded, spinning Y/n a little and pushing the two girls forward a little. 'perfect! ladies, you bring the food, i will supply the drinks.'
Tatum, Sidney and Y/n were browsing dresses for the upcoming party. Tatum had found out about it slightly earlier than them, and Stu had informed her that costumes wouldn't hurt- but weren't necessary.
'why don't we just get white dresses, halos and call it a day?' Sidney asked, not as enthusiastic as Tatum.
'no! we need to be a tiny bit more original than that... like...' she trailed off, looking through clothes as she thought.
'the powerpuff girls? not exactly more original but a bit more creative than angels.' Y/n piped up, looking at a light green dress.
'ooh yeah! good idea! dibs on Blossom.' Tatum squealed, flipping through the dresses to pull out a pink one.
'Sid, you should be Bubbles.' Y/n murmured, pulling the aforementioned dress off the rack and flicking through a few to pull out a baby blue, which complimented Sidney beautifully.
Sidney took the dress, looking unsure. 'I dont know... I'm still not sure this party's a good idea.' Sidney sighed, moving to put the dress back.
Tatum grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the changing rooms. 'listen, it'll be fun. we'll go home at curfew, Dewey will be there to keep us safe, we can put a bit of makeup on, these dresses... c'mon sid!' Tatum begged, shoving her friend in a changing room. she got no reply, but she could see Sidney shedding her clothes, and turned to Y/n with a huge, delighted grin on her face.
Y/n smiled back, but Sidney's anxiety seemed to have floated over to her, and she felt a pit of dread start to build up in her stomach. it suddenly seemed like a bad idea to go to Stu's; realistically neither him nor Tatum would keep their mouths shut about the siesta, and she'd be surrounded by potential murderers. she silently hoped and prayed that the two lovebirds would be able to keep quiet, and it'd just be their little friend group.
'oh, Y/n! forgot to tell you, Stu said you should go over to his tonight- he said that Billy would be there too and you guys could have one of your movie marathons.' Tatum glided over to the girl, who was paying, and rested her head on her shoulder.
'nice, we'll have to stop by the video store, then, and hope we bump into him so I know what time to go over there. OH! and we're on snack duty for tomorrow.' Y/n said, ignoring the sickness in her stomach and smiling at the cashier as she pulled the bag off the counter.
Tatum didn't respond, but nodded and payed for her and Sidney's dresses (Sidney would pay her back, but she didn't bring enough money for the dress).
'Tate! you need to stop running!' Y/n squealed as she gripped the edges of the shopping cart, flying by shelves stocked with salsa, nachos and various gummies and chocolates.
the girl finally got tired and screeched to a halt, doubling over in laughter as Sidney tutted at the two and let out a little giggle, throwing some nachos on Y/n's lap.
it went quiet for a bit as they cruised the aisles and pulled something off the shelves occasionally. Tatum let out a heavy sigh and Y/n saw a sad look flash in the girl's eyes.
'what's up, Tate?'
'what... what snacks do you think are the best to deal with a break up?' she mumbled, carting them to the frozen goods section.
'what? for Sid?'
'for both of us.' Tatum grumbled, making both girls freeze.
'you and Stu-?' Sidney asked, throwing some ice cream in the basket, and slamming the door shut.
Tatum just nodded, examining her nails and pouting slightly.
'why? you guys were- you seemed so- what?' Y/n sputtered, having trouble wrapping her head around it.
'yeah, I know... I'm not mad at him, he's still my friend, its just a bit depressing. we didn't end on bad terms or anything, and I mean I didn't expect us to stay together forever, y'know? he's a teenage boy...' Tatum trailed off, piling more ice cream in the cart. 'and-' she paused, looking unsure.
'and?' Sidney prompted, sharing a look with Y/n.
'and I think he likes Y/n.'
'what.' it wasn't even a question, it was a statement, a demand. 'Tate- I'm so sorry. I-'
'no, Y/n, dont. its not your fault. dont stress yourself about it.' Tatum smiled at her friend and swivelled the cart around, browsing chocolate.
Y/n buried her face in her hands, shaking her head and groaning lowly. 'I'm such a homewrecker.'
her two friends didn't say anything, but patted her back and kept on trailing through the aisles. 'if we wanna catch Stu at blockbuster we should get paying now, it closes soon- curfew.' Sidney finally spoke, pulling a few bills out of her wallet and gently squeezing her friend's hand.
1251 words- really short ik I'm sorry! I've had to do loads of revision lately so i haven't had much time to write, but I've been rushing to get a new chapter put! I'll try to update at least once a week.
published- 12th May 2023

𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞| 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Fanfiction𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡... 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐘/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐜𝐬. !this might be a bit inaccurate to the movie, but I promise it's good. also, English isn't my first language so excu...