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You and Ahsoka had been dating for months now, but you had kept your relationship a secret from everyone. You both knew that the Jedi Order frowned upon romantic relationships, and you didn't want to risk losing your positions as Padawan and Commander.

But keeping such a big secret was starting to take its toll. You longed to be able to hold Ahsoka's hand in public, to kiss her without worrying about being caught. And Ahsoka felt the same way.

One day, you and Ahsoka were sitting in her quarters, enjoying each other's company, when there was a knock at the door. Ahsoka quickly stood up and straightened her clothing, giving you a knowing look before answering the door.

It was Anakin.

"Hey, Snips," he said, stepping inside. "I was just checking in to see how you're doing."

Ahsoka smiled. "I'm doing great, Master. Thanks for asking."

Anakin's eyes suddenly flickered to you, and he frowned. "What's Y/N doing here?"

You froze, unsure of what to say. You knew that Ahsoka had never told Anakin about your relationship, and you didn't want to be the one to spill the beans.

But Ahsoka stepped in. "Y/N and I were just discussing some training exercises, Master. It's nothing important."

Anakin didn't look convinced, but he didn't press the issue. "Alright, well, I have to go meet with the Council. I'll see you both later."

As soon as he left, Ahsoka let out a sigh of relief. "That was close," she said, turning to you.

You nodded, feeling the weight of the secret bearing down on you. "We can't keep this up forever," you said. "We need to tell someone."

Ahsoka hesitated. "I know, but who? The Council will never approve of our relationship, and Anakin will be disappointed in us for keeping it a secret."

You both fell silent, lost in thought.

Days turned into weeks, and the secret weighed heavily on your minds. You and Ahsoka tried to keep your relationship hidden, but you knew that it was only a matter of time before someone found out.

And that's exactly what happened.

One day, Anakin cornered Ahsoka in the training room, his expression dark. "I know about you and Y/N," he said, his voice low.

Ahsoka's eyes widened. "What? How?"

"I saw the way you both look at each other," Anakin said. "It's obvious. And I don't appreciate being kept in the dark about this."

Ahsoka's shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry, Master. We didn't mean to keep it from you. We just didn't know how to tell anyone."

Anakin's expression softened slightly. "I understand that, Snips. But you have to know that the Jedi Order doesn't condone romantic relationships. It's against the Code."

Ahsoka nodded. "I know, but Y/N and I care about each other. We're not going to let the Code stop us from being together."

Anakin sighed. "I can't condone your relationship, Ahsoka. But I won't stop you either. Just...be careful, okay? The Order won't take kindly to this if it ever comes out."

Ahsoka nodded, grateful that Anakin wasn't going to turn them in. "Thank you, Master. We'll be careful."

Anakin left the training room, leaving Ahsoka feeling relieved and scared at the same time. She turned to you, her eyes searching for reassurance.

You took her hand in yours, giving her a small smile. "We'll figure it out," you said. "We always do."

Ahsoka leaned in and kissed you, the weight of the secret lifting slightly now that Anakin knew. But you both knew that this was only the beginning. There would be more challenges to come.

As the days passed, you and Ahsoka continued to keep your relationship a secret, but now you felt a sense of freedom. You could hold hands in public and steal kisses when no one was looking. And Anakin seemed to be keeping his word, not mentioning anything about your relationship to anyone else.

But one day, when you and Ahsoka were walking through the temple's gardens, you were stopped by Master Yoda.

"Ah, Commander Tano and Y/N, I have a question for you," he said, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Ahsoka and you exchanged a worried glance. What could the Jedi Master want to know?

"Master Yoda, what can we do for you?" Ahsoka asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Yoda looked between the two of you, his expression serious. "Know about your relationship, I do."

Your heart dropped. Anakin had told Master Yoda.

Ahsoka stepped forward, her hand still in yours. "Yes, Master. Y/N and I are together."

Yoda nodded slowly, his eyes studying you both. "Understand, I do, the feelings you have for each other. But against the Code, this is. Dangerous, it can be, for your futures as Jedi."

You and Ahsoka knew that he was right. The Jedi Code forbade romantic relationships, and you both risked losing everything if you were caught.

But Ahsoka wasn't going to give up. "Master Yoda, we know the risks," she said. "But we care for each other deeply. We don't want to hide our feelings any longer."

Yoda sighed, his gaze softening. "Understand, I do, the strength of your feelings. But this decision, you must make, on your own. Will not stand in your way, but also cannot condone."

You and Ahsoka nodded, grateful that Yoda wasn't going to turn you in. You both knew that you had to be careful, but you also knew that you couldn't ignore your feelings any longer.

As you walked away from Yoda, hand in hand, you both knew that the road ahead was going to be difficult. But as long as you had each other, you could face anything.

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