Chapter 1: Belle and Beast

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- We're both stuck here -

An idea came to me one day, while taking shower. About arranged dates and such cliche storyline. And who fits sappy romance more if not KhaiThird?
Easter eggs are everywhere in my fic. Fellow GMMTV company stan should know.

Anyway, enjoy reading~

For the umpteenth time, Third would rather be home working on his script than here. The restaurant was too fancy for his liking. All the other patrons were well-dressed and - not all, but - mostly came in pairs. Third felt out of place.

Though, it's been like that his whole life. Third's family isn;t dirt poor and struggling so he doesn't relate with other broke college students. His parents made acquaintances with wealthy families from work. But they're not quite there to fit in the high society. So Third is always in that odd position, not having anywhere he felt belonged to.

That situation made worse when he had his gay awakening. Thankfully, both his parents were understanding. No such luck at school, however. He didn't care. He'd rather be alone than blend in to be what he isn't.

So what brought him here again? Oh, having sympathetic parents. There are good and bad sides to it. Third's lack of love life began to concern them. In fear of their only son wasting away his youth holed up in his room, they decided to set him up with someone.

Very original.

"Are you ready to order, Sir?"

Third looked up from his book. "Oh, sorry," he told the waitress. "I'm expecting someone."

It suddenly occurred to him that this 'date' of his might have no idea how to find him. Because Third won't. All he knew was his name: Khunpol. He stopped the waitress before she excused herself.

"Umm... can you do me a favor?"

"Of course. How can I help you, Sir?"

"If a man comes in looking for Third or Techapon, can you please bring him here?"

She left with a sweet, polite smile. Third slumped back on his seat. Picking up his book again to distract himself. He wasn't even sure the man would remember his name. From what Aunt Kaew - his mom's friend - described, her son is a piece of shit. She did sugar-coat a bunch of things but Third isn't a writer if he can't read between the lines.

The only reason he'd even agreed to this outdated foolery was his mom. Aunt Kaew is a good friend and even better work partner. He knew it's difficult to refuse her idea to play matchmaking. They both insisted that it doesn't have to be a 'date'. They can just be friends. Making additional friends will do him no harm.

Third decided to just roll with it. No use to try to fight it. One dinner will do. If this Khunpol turned out to be a huge asshole, he can just never meet him again.

"Are you Third?"

Once again, he drew his attention away from the mystery novel in his hand. And boy, was he stunned?

"Third Techapon?"

A man, tall and fair-skinned towered over him. Prominent brows knitting in slight frown. Slanted eyes made perfect composition with his nose and full lips. The light from tulip-shaped luminaire shone on his gorgeous feature like a spotlight. Third knows him. The prettiest boy he's ever seen.

His date turned out to be Khai Khunpol, film major's resident hottie. Also coincidentally Third's crush of three years. The world is a small place.

"Yes, I am. So, it's you, Khai..."

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