1- Prolouge

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"Dad helps, it's Neteyam," Lo'ak yelled as he tried to push his brother up to the rocks with the help of Spider and Tsireya. "Watch his head," Jake called out as he pulled Neteyams's body and laid it on the ground. Hearing Neteyam take fast breaths mixed with his groans, he turned his body over to reveal his back. "Oh, no..." He muttered as his eyes landed on the exit wound. He grabbed the hands of his second son and placed them on Neteyams bloody chest. "Pressure put pressure on it," Jake yelled as he gently placed his hand on the side of his son's face. "Dad..." Neteyam groaned as he pulled his knee up in pain. Neytiri quickly hopped off her ikran and hovered over her son's body, quickly grabbing his hand "No, no no no."

"I want to go home," Neteyam begged as he continued to cough while taking deep breaths. "I know, I know, we're going home." Jake stroked Neteyam's ear, trying to comfort him.

"Dad, I..."

The boy exhaled for the final time as his body lay still on the ground. Signs of life left his eyes as his pupils dilated. "Neteyam..." Neytiri muttered before realising what happened."No, no no no, Neteyam." She shrieked as she shook his body. Neteyams grip loosened on his father's arm and dropped to the ground as he sat there, numb. Taking in the fact that his Son, his eldest son was dead.

Lo'ak slowly removed his hands from the boy's chest and took a glimpse at it. His once-blue demon hands were covered in his brother's blood. Hearing the screams of his mother, and immense guilt flooded his brain.

"It is all my fault"

Snapping back into reality, He noticed that his parents were going back to the ship to save his sisters. "Dad I want to go with you-"

"You've done enough." Jake snapped harshly at his youngest son. Watching Spider and his dad dive back into the water on the skimwing, He quickly rushed back to Tsireya who was still crying over the death of Neteyam. "Stay with him," Loak muttered as he rested his hand on her cheek and then called for an ilu. "No," She cried out as she was left with the dead Na'vi. Tsireya wiped away her tears before taking a huge breath, She forced herself to stand up and began wiping away the blood from Neteyam's chest as she remembered that his younger sisters were going to be back soon.

Tsireya raced back and forward, scooping water into her hands and trying to wash away the visible blood. Her hand travelled to his eyes and closed his eyelids as a tear rolled down from her cheek. She sat down against the rocks and waited for the family to arrive.

Neytiri, tuk and Kiri had arrived first. "Neteyam..." Kiri spoke softly as she held onto Neteyams hand, a teardrop fell onto the na'vi's leg and she sobbed quietly before wiping her tears when she saw Jake and Loak from a distance. Neytiri held Neteyam's head close to her chest and continued to give small kisses on his forehead whilst stroking his head. "My baby..." she repeated with a soft mutter. Tuk held onto her elder brother's hand and placed it on the side of her face. "He's still warm," she mumbled before breaking down into tears.

Loak hugged the metkayina girl as he stared off at the sky, closing his eyes whilst hearing the cries of his mother and sisters. Jake hugged Spider as he turned to face his younger son, pulling him into a hug as well before comforting his wife.

Silence filled the air as Neytiri filled a small wooden cup with water and gently poured it up on Neteyam's body. She felt numb while Jake broke down into tears as the two cleansed the body of their son. Neytiri placed the cup on the floor and looked up at Jake as he wiped away the tears from his face. "It's time," she muttered as the two stood up and carried their son out of the Mauri. They laid him onto the giant leaf that was attached to an ilu which contain some water and a flower. Jake bonded with the ilu as Neytiri, Tuk and Lo'ak stood at either side of the leave and began carrying it towards the cove of the ancestors where the rest of the clan were, with Kiri and Spider on another ilu following behind them.

The family had reached their destination and Neytiri and Lo'ak how to get Neteyam out of the leave and onto the water. Lo'ak rested his hand on Neteyams forehead, just like how he used to rest his hands on Lo'ak's head as a sign of his love. He had a feeling of having a lump in his throat as he watched Neteyam float on top of the water, noticing that the bioluminescent dots which covered his whole body didn't glow anymore. Jake and Neytiri took a deep breath before pushing their Son to the bottom of the ocean to the yellow sea plants to bury his body. Lo'ak reached his arm out as he watched Neteyam being buried under the yellow plants as he was hit with the hard truth.

That his older brother was gone.

The brother always took the blame for him

The brother who everyone called the 'mighty warrior.'

The brother who risked his own life to save his siblings was gone.

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