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                                 Ivys pov
Anne and Linda have been gone for a while and ivy just sits there board until Anne walks over to her crying "Anne..what's wrong what's up"ivy says and hugs her "me and Linda had a fight"Anne said and sniffles
"Oh I'm so sorry babes"Ivy pulls away from the hug and wipes Anne's tears away and they hold hand looking into each other's eye
Anne goes in and kisses ivy and it leads to a bit more against a tree,
Anne starts to laugh "did you really think Anne would kiss you"The person laughs and ivy looks confused "I don't understand"Ivy says
"Of course you don't let me spell it out I'm not Anne aha she's way out of your "league"The person transforms into the monster
"Your the monster.."ivy says breathing heavily
"Your a good kisser ivy but you could maybe wear more make up and fix that area"The monster says smirking.

"HEY!She is perfect the way she is you fucking bitch"Anne shouts from behind and Linda transforms into a wolf and jumps at the monster
"What were you doing with that monster Iv your clothes are ripped"Anne ask and ivy replies quietly "I thought it was you"Anne smiles
"No worries Iv oh but I think Linda needs some help"Anne says while picking up a stick and hitting the monster continuously "uh Anne girl I don't think that's doing much"ivy says laughing a bit "what else can i do"Anne says stepping away from the monster,

The monster starts coming towards Anne and ivy so Anne puts her hands out to try protect them and in fear but ice comes out of her hands and freezes the monster she stares in shock and so dose ivy "did I just do that"Anne says also shocked and confused Linda transoms back into human "hey your not useless now that's amazing"
Linda says hugging Anne and ivy looks at her
"What do you mean... she was never useless"
Linda trys to talk back but stuttery words just come out her mouth "I think Linda meant now I'm not powerless"Anne says and Linda nods and ivy looks at her weirdly "whatever I'm going I walk"Ivy says walking away "I'll come with you"
Anne shouts and ivy replies "No I just need to be alone right now"Anne looks down after ivy said that.

"Don't worry about her she's tough but also if I was going a walk or going anywhere then I'd take you with me"Linda says and Anne just looks at them for an min before answering "then take me with you"Anne says and Linda raises a brow
"You know I can't..what if I hurt you"Linda says and Anne scoffs "you could never hurt me I
love you"Anne says and Linda says "I love you too but you can't stay with me"Anne turns around and starts to leave "I'm not having this argument not now when you only have 24 hours left with me"Anne runs off crying so many thoughts in her head *why dose no one love me,why dose everyone leave me,am I that bad*
Because of how sad she is she falls down on the floor in tears.

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