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                              Anne's POV
Anne wakes up in a fully white room and looks around confused "what the hell"Anne whispers
The walls start to close in and she starts to panic and bangs on the walls "Hello!!!Somebody!please"

"Guys I think we should be in groups we'll find her quicker"ivy says and Linda shouts
"I'll be with killan!I don't really wanna be with well that hat guy and ivy I think us girls have to show them who's boss so yea"They all look at her and rolls there eyes
"Right you could just say I don't wanna be with you ivy..anyways come on hat boy"Ivy says and kisses killan on the cheek "bye love you"and off they go,

"If anything bad has happened too Anne I'll blame you"Ivy says to Jefferson and he looks at her "actually I'll blame you because you left her"he says and she puts on a ya wanna go face
"She left ok!not my fault she met you though like I know yous are more then friends"Ivy says too him and he goes in front of her and holds her arms "Lets just stop complaining and find her!"
He shouts
"Don't fucking touch me again or I will break every bone in your body"Ivy says grabbing his arm and pulling it back "Wait do you hear that"he says and she drops his arm "what!"
"Hello!!" They hear a voice shout
"Anne!"they both say running towards the sound

"Ivy?"Anne says
"Anne?!"jefferson shouts
"Jefferson!oh my god your ok!"
"Anne we're gonna get you out just hold on"ivy shouts then whispers "why is there a locked room in hell"Jefferson shrugs and then ivy uses magic to break down the door and ivy runs in and hugs Anne and just after ivy Jefferson goes in and hugs her too then she kisses him and ivy looks down then coughs "Linda's looking for you"she says and Anne smiles "let go find her and killan and leave"Anne sayss holding Jefferson's hand then leaving ivy to walk behind them
"Perfect just great im a 3rd wheel woo hoo"ivy says then rolls her eyes and Anne laughs at the comment.

"Anne!"linda says then runs over to her but stops when she sees her and Jefferson holding hands and takes a breath then hugs her
"I'm glad your ok" linda says and Anne nods
"Same with you,Now let's get out of here Jefferson use your magic hat"Jefferson puts down his hat and it spins,
"Wait can he leave because he's dead"Linda asks
Then Anne shrugs
"we can try ok just think the goods that he can make it"Anne says.

Linda's mind-I hope he can't come and stays here
Ivys mind-I love 2 people right now shit
Anne's mind-I can't wait too have life with him
Jefferson's mind-yay my hats working again
Killans mind-why is everyone so quiet it's kinda
Awkward maby I should say something
"HEY!"killan shouts and they all look at him
"Hi i guess.."Anne reply's and ivy laughs and Linda rolls her eyes.

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