affirmation for progress

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Achievement is my greatest reward.

Day after day, I receive the encouragement and support of friends and family.

Every day I am getting closer and closer to realizing my dreams.

Every day I am getting closer to total freedom.

Every day I am guided to exciting and rewarding experiences.

Every day I take at least one action towards my goal.

Every task I do is an important step closer to my dream.

Everything I do takes me closer to my dreams.

I acknowledge and celebrate my daily achievements.

I acknowledge every small achievement in my day.

I acknowledge my progress and celebrate it daily.

I always know exactly where I am and exactly what needs to be done.

I always make choices that benefit my cause.

I am always moving forward in my life.

I am delighted with the direction my life is taking.

I am forever moving in the direction of my dreams.

I am guided in positive directions every day.

I am joyfully making my way towards my destination.

I am making steady progress towards my dreams.

I am moving forward in every moment of my life.

I am moving in the direction of my dreams.

I am on my way!

I am progressing forwards at all times.

I am shown the way one perfect step at a time.

I am so thrilled to see my life moving in a positive direction.

I am successful because I always keep moving forward in my life.

I am the helmsman of my life.

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am the leader in my life.

I can see light at the end of the tunnel now.

I celebrate all accomplishments, both great and small, with equal joy.

I celebrate all improvements I make in my life.

I celebrate each small step of progress towards my heart's desire.

I celebrate each small victory.

I celebrate every day of life equally.

I celebrate every manifestation in my life, both big and small.

I celebrate my accomplishments, no matter how small.

I celebrate my progress at every opportunity.

I celebrate the completion of each of my goals.

I congratulate myself every day for the great progress I am making.

I congratulate myself for all the good in my life because I know that I created it.

I direct the course of my life.

I easily progress from one undertaking to the next.

I encourage and praise myself even when things don't turn out as I planned.

I encourage and praise myself whenever I succeed.

I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from completing tasks.

I faithfully reward myself for every achievement in my life.

I find something to celebrate every day.

I focus on my dream, and eagerly take the next step to bringing it into reality.

I forge ahead towards my goals, no matter what.

I give myself an A+ for all I've accomplished today.

I honor my goals by celebrating each step towards them.

I keep moving forward, all day long.

I know that my success is certain if I keep moving forward.

I know with absolute certainty that I am making progress towards my goals.

I love the feeling of making progress.

I love the satisfaction I get from a job well done.

I make progress one step at a time.

I move forward with confidence and ease.

I move forward without hesitation.

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." - Barack Obama

I notice each little improvement in my life.

I praise myself for all accomplishments, both big and small.

I recognize my progress, and acknowledge the successful things I do each day.

I regularly celebrate my strengths and abilities.

I remember to reward myself every time I complete one of the steps towards my goal.

I reward myself for trying new things.

I reward myself often.

I reward myself regularly with moments of undisciplined freedom and spontaneity.

I see every new day as another stepping stone towards my goal.

I shower my being with positive words of encouragement.

I support and encourage myself with praise and appreciation.

I take pleasure in the journey but

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