BitterSweet Truths•♡• ship: Crenny•♡•

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Kenny McCormick and Craig Tucker had been together since seventh grade. It had started as a simple fling, with Craig seeking solace in Kenny's carefree and laid-back personality to help him get over his crush on Tweek Tweak. But over the years, their relationship had blossomed into something more meaningful. They were now sophomores in high school, and their bond had only grown stronger.

However, Kenny couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was bothering Craig. He noticed how Craig would often be distant and lost in his thoughts, avoiding eye contact and giving vague responses when Kenny asked him what was wrong. Kenny's heart ached seeing Craig like this, and he was determined to find out what was bothering his boyfriend.

One day, after school, Kenny decided to confront Craig. He waited for Craig by his locker, and when Craig finally showed up, Kenny could see the inner turmoil in Craig's eyes.

"Craig, we need to talk," Kenny said softly, reaching out to touch Craig's arm.

Craig flinched, pulling away from Kenny's touch. "Not now, Kenny. I'm busy," Craig muttered, avoiding Kenny's gaze.

Kenny's heart sank, but he refused to give up. "Craig, I can see that something is bothering you. You've been pushing me away for weeks, and I can't just stand by and watch you suffer in silence. Please, talk to me."

Craig sighed, looking conflicted. He knew he couldn't keep pushing Kenny away forever. He took a deep breath and finally met Kenny's eyes. "It's Tweek," Craig admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kenny felt a pang of jealousy and insecurity, but he tried to push those feelings aside and focus on Craig. "What about Tweek?" he asked gently.

Craig looked down, unable to meet Kenny's gaze. "I thought I was over him, but I'm not. I still have feelings for him, and it's tearing me apart."

Kenny's heart shattered into a million pieces. He had always known about Craig's crush on Tweek, but he had hoped that Craig had moved on. Hearing Craig's confession confirmed his worst fear - that he was just a rebound for Craig.

Tears filled Kenny's eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "Craig, I love you, but I can't be with someone who still has feelings for someone else. I deserve better." Kenny said, his voice cracking.

Craig looked up, his eyes widening in realization. He reached out to grab Kenny's hand, but Kenny pulled away. "No, Craig. It's over." Kenny said, his voice filled with pain as he walked away, leaving Craig standing there, heartbroken.

Days turned into weeks, and Kenny tried to move on, but the pain of losing Craig was still raw. He missed Craig's presence in his life, but he knew that he had made the right decision. He focused on his studies, spent time with his friends, and tried to keep himself busy to distract from the emptiness in his heart.

One day, as Kenny was walking home from school, he heard someone calling his name. He turned around to see Craig running towards him, looking desperate.

"Kenny, wait!" Craig shouted, out of breath.

Kenny stopped, unable to resist the pull Craig had on him. He turned to face Craig, his heart was swollen with pain.

"I messed up, Kenny," Craig said, tears streaming down his face. "I realized that I was being stupid, and I let my fear of losing you cloud my judgment. I love you, Kenny, and I can't imagine my life without you. Please, forgive me."

Kenny looked at Craig, his heart aching with mixed emotions. He could see the genuine remorse in Craig's eyes, and it tugged at his own feelings. Memories of their time together flooded his mind, and he found himself torn between the hurt and the love he still had for Craig.

After a moment of silence, Kenny took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Craig, you hurt me deeply with your actions. I felt betrayed and confused. But I also remember the good times we had, the laughter, and the love we shared." Kenny wiped away his own tears, feeling conflicted.

Craig reached out a trembling hand towards Kenny, his eyes filled with hope. "I know I made a mistake, Kenny. I was foolish and scared, and I let my fear control me. But I love you, and I want to make things right. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness."

Kenny looked into Craig's eyes, searching for sincerity. He could see the vulnerability in Craig, and it touched his heart. He took a deep breath and spoke with a mixture of caution and longing, "Craig, I need time to process this. I need to sort through my feelings and figure out what's best for me."

Craig nodded, his gaze never leaving Kenny's. "I understand, Kenny. I'll give you all the time you need. Just know that I am truly sorry, and I'll do anything to make it right."

Kenny nodded, feeling a flicker of hope in his heart. "Thank you, Craig. I appreciate your apology, and I'll take some time to think things over." He turned to leave, but before he walked away, he looked back at Craig and said softly, "I still love you too, Craig. But forgiveness takes time."

Craig nodded, tears streaming down his face, and watched Kenny walk away. He knew he had a long road ahead of him to earn back Kenny's trust, but he was willing to do whatever it took. He was determined to make things right and prove to Kenny that his love was genuine.

As Kenny disappeared from sight, Craig's heart clenched with pain. He realized the gravity of his mistake and the hurt he had caused Kenny. He stood there, tears streaming down his face, feeling a mix of regret and determination.

Craig knew it wouldn't be easy to regain Kenny's trust. He had hurt Kenny deeply, and he had to earn it back step by step. He was willing to do whatever it took, though. He was determined to make amends and prove to Kenny that his love was genuine.

With renewed resolve, Craig took a deep breath and began to form a plan. He would start by giving Kenny space and time, respecting his boundaries. He would also work on himself, addressing the underlying fears and insecurities that had led him to make the mistake in the first place. He would be patient and understanding, knowing that rebuilding trust would take time and effort.

Craig reached out to mutual friends for support, seeking advice and guidance. He also sought professional help to work through his emotions and gain insight into his actions. He wrote heartfelt letters to Kenny, expressing his sincere apologies and the depth of his love.

Days turned into weeks, and Craig remained steadfast in his efforts to make things right. He showed up consistently, being there for Kenny without pressure or expectations. He listened attentively when Kenny was ready to talk, and he respected Kenny's boundaries and decisions.

Slowly but surely, Craig began to see signs of forgiveness from Kenny. There were tentative conversations, shared smiles, and moments of genuine connection. Craig didn't take any of it for granted, and he continued to show up with sincerity and humility.

One day, Kenny finally opened up to Craig, sharing his thoughts and feelings. Craig listened with his whole heart, acknowledging Kenny's pain and validating his emotions. He took responsibility for his mistakes and expressed his unwavering commitment to making amends and earning Kenny's trust.

Kenny was touched by Craig's sincerity and efforts to make things right. He could see the change in Craig, the growth and maturity. He realized that he still loved Craig deeply and was willing to give their relationship another chance.

With tears of relief and gratitude, Kenny forgave Craig. It was a process, and there were still challenges ahead, but they both knew that their love was worth fighting for. They took things slow, rebuilding their trust brick by brick, and working together to heal and strengthen their bond.

In time, Craig and Kenny's relationship flourished once again. They learned from their past mistakes and grew closer through the process. They cherished each other, never taking their love for granted. Craig remained committed to proving his love was genuine, and Kenny learned to trust again.

Looking back, Craig knew that the road to forgiveness had been tough, but it had been worth it. He had learned valuable lessons about love, trust, and the importance of owning up to his mistakes. He was grateful for the opportunity to make things right with Kenny and to have a second chance at their love.

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