Cupcake•♡•ship: Creek•♡•

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It was a normal Saturday morning, Tweek was sitting in his parents coffee shop taking on his daily shift. As he cleaned one of the tables he heard the doors bell ring as someone opened the door, He looked over being met with a customer. "One m-moment Ma'am." Tweek then finished the table and made his way behind the counter, "W-Welcome to Tweek Bros. How May I h-help you today..?" Tweek said as he smiled lightly at the lady standing at the order counter. "Just a morning blend please." Tweek nodded as he started to make her coffee, "That'll be two bucks!" The lady pays Tweek two dollars, slowly leaving with her coffee in hand. Tweek the sighs, he pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his picture gallery. One of the pictures caught his interest. It was him and Craig making a batch of red velvet cupcakes. Tweek couldn't help but smile as he reminisced about the fun they had baking together. The aroma of cream cheese frosting and cocoa still lingered in his memory. He felt a pang of nostalgia for the carefree days when he and Craig were inseparable. Now Craig spent a majority of his time hanging out with Tolkien or Kenny. Which Tweek didn't have an issue with, well at least he didn't think he did but in reality he was sort of jealous. Tweek tried to push the jealous feelings aside, knowing it wasn't fair to Craig or their relationship. He wondered if he should reach out and try to reconnect, but a voice in his head told him not to be needy. He sighed again, feeling conflicted about what to do next. Suddenly the shops bell ring again, as Tweek sat up and put his phone away he prepared to see who it was. Surprisingly he was met with Kenny, "Sup Tweekers." Kenny always called Tweek, Tweekers, Tweek never had an issue with it and McCormick being McCormick nobody could really stop him. "Wh-at can I get y-you Kenny..?" Kenny looked at the pastry display, but Kenny knew he didn't have enough. "I'll just have my normal.." Tweek nodded before typing in Expresso, "50 cents." Kenny put 50 cents up on the counter as Tweek made him his coffee, he wanted to ask how Craig was but he didn't feel like it was a good idea. Until Kenny brought it up first, "Oh yeah, Craig wanted to know if after your work shift, if you were free." Tweek gave Kenny his coffee and put the 50 cents in the tip jar, he really didn't see the point of putting it in the cash register. "Yeah, I'm f-free.." Kenny smiled, "Alright I'll let him know!" Soon Kenny left waving good bye to Tweek, a light smile appeared on his face.

As more time passed Tweek pushed forward in his work until it hit 3:30 in the after noon, he closed down the coffeehouse and pulled out his phone, and messaged Craig

Tweek- "Hey, I'm done with work. Where did you want to meet..?"

Mi amor- "I was thinking about that new ice cream parlor that just opened, but only if you want to Honey. Considering I know you don't like Ice cream that much.."

Tweek- "I would love that Craig. I'll meet you there <3"

Tweek smiled and blushed as he put away his phone, he loved how every time Craig wanted to do something he would always ask him first. He started to walk as Craig crossed his mind. As Tweek Approached the new ice cream parlor he saw Craig sitting on a bench on the side walk. "Craig!" Tweek said as he slowly ran up to Craig, Craig noticed him and Smiled. "Hi babe." Craig went over and gave Tweek a kiss on the cheek. "You ready..?" Tweek nodded and smiled lightly, Craig reached out his hand for Tweek to take. Which he did, and then they started making their way into the ice cream parlor. The waitress asked then if they were on a date, which Craig replied with a soft yes. The waitress thought that was adorable, as she handed them a table number, just so they can mark their table before they go and get their ice cream. Tweek lead Craig to a table near the back, that wasn't much of center of attraction to which Craig complied and set down the number on that table. Then they went up and started ordering their ice cream, Tweek got a normal Vanilla ice cream as for Craig he got dark chocolate cherry. "I app-recia-te you ta-king me out C-Craig.." Tweek smiled lightly as he put the spoon back in the little ice cream dish, "Don't thank me Honey. I wanted to take you out so here we are.." Craig smiled lightly, his braces reflecting a small ounce of light. Craig would mostly only smile around Tweek, One, he trusted his boyfriend with his heart nothing ever changed that and Two, Tweek always thought the Craig looked adorable with braces and ever since then he's just felt like showing them off to him. Craig's smile grew wider as he saw the way Tweek's eyes lit up at the sight of his braces. It was moments like these that made Craig feel grateful to have someone who loved and appreciated him for who he was, flaws and all. He leaned in to give Tweek a soft kiss on the cheek, feeling content and at ease in his presence.

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